Scrooge McDuck

Scrooge McDuck is a financial extension to DuckDB. The main goal of this extension is to support a set of aggregation functions and data scanners frequently used on financial data.

Disclaimer: This extension is in no way affiliated with the DuckDB Foundation or DuckDB Labs. Therefore, any binaries produced and distributed of this extension are unsigned.

To build, type


To run, run the duckdb shell with the unsined flag:

cd build/release/
 ./duckdb -unsigned

Then, load the Scrooge McDuck extension like so:

LOAD 'extension/scrooge/scrooge.duckdb_extension';

Available Scanner


Directly Scans financial data from Yahoo into a DuckDB Table. Usage:

select * FROM yahoo_finance("^GSPC", "2017-12-01"::DATE, "2017-12-10"::DATE, "1d")
2017-12-01	2645.100098	2650.620117	2605.52002	2642.219971	2642.219971	3950930000
2017-12-04	2657.189941	2665.189941	2639.030029	2639.439941	2639.439941	4025840000
2017-12-05	2639.780029	2648.719971	2627.72998	2629.570068	2629.570068	3547570000
2017-12-06	2626.23999	2634.409912	2624.75	2629.27002	2629.27002	3253080000
2017-12-07	2628.379883	2640.98999	2626.530029	2636.97998	2636.97998	3297060000
2017-12-08	2646.209961	2651.649902	2644.100098	2651.5	2651.5	3126750000

Available Functions


It returns the value of column A based omn the earliest timestamp value of column B.


It returns the value of column A based on the latest timestamp value of column B


Creates timestamp buckets on column A, with ranges on the interval of value B.


Returns the volatility of that financial instrument during the given period of time.


Returns the average price, during a period of time, of a financial instrument


To reproduce this demo, you must have:

  1. A build of Scrooge McDuck.
  2. The latest python libraries of DuckDB and Plotly pip install duckdb plotly
  3. Download and unzip the example dataset.

To start, we need to load the libraries we will be using in this tutorial.

import duckdb
import plotly.graph_objects as go

Loading Scrooge McDuck

To load Scrooge McDuck, we simply have to execute the LOAD command together with the compiled path of the library.

con = duckdb.connect()
con.execute("LOAD 'build/release/scrooge.duckdb_extension';")

Creating Table

We only have one table in our dataset, the crypto_ticks, that holds the price (to USD) of a cryptocurrency at a given time.

con.execute("""CREATE TABLE crypto_ticks (
               "time" TIMESTAMP,
               symbol TEXT,
               price DOUBLE PRECISION,
               day_volume NUMERIC

Loading Data

Our dataset is a CSV file; hence to load it we simply need a COPY ... FROM... statement.

con.execute("COPY crypto_ticks FROM 'tutorial_sample_tick.csv' CSV HEADER;")

Generating Candle-Stick Aggregations

Here we generate our main aggregation using the domain-specific functions from Scrooge McDuck. To generate these aggregations, we must take, from within our time bucket, the open and close values of a cryptocurrency and their high and low values. In this case, we focus only on the week from 10-17 of April 22. Since DuckDB has a tight integration with Pandas, to facilitate plotting we export our query result to a Pandas Dataframe with the .df() function.

df = con.execute("""SELECT TIMEBUCKET(time,'1M'::INTERVAL) AS bucket,
                           FIRST_S(price, time) AS "open",
                           MAX(price) AS high,
                           MIN(price) AS low,
                           LAST_S(price, time) AS "close",
                    FROM crypto_ticks
                    WHERE symbol = 'BTC/USD'
                    AND time >= '2022-04-10'::TIMESTAMPTZ
                    AND time <= '2022-04-17'::TIMESTAMPTZ
                    GROUP BY bucket""").df()


To plot, we use the Candlestick aggregation of Plotly on our generated dataframe.

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=df['bucket'],

The result of our Candle-Stick aggregation can be seen below: Scrooge-Candle-Stick