LamCo GCC (ICFP Contest 2014)
This is a basic software implementation of LamCo GCC (also known as "Lambda-Man CPU") - sophisticated hardware co-processor from ICFP Contest 2014.
Specification can be found here:
Actual "virtual machine" able to execute GCC assembly instructions is written in Haskell.
Building: ./vm/
requires ghc
deps: cabal install pretty-show
Usage: ./vm/Main raw.gcc
Loads assembly code from raw.gcc and starts a kind of "debugging session"
where you can execute instructions step-by-step (st)
and watch how machine state changes.
Alternatively you can continue to the next breakpoint (co).
I also found it nice to have a very basic macro pre-processor available to simplify assembly coding. It is python-based.
Usage: python macro/ path/to/main.gcc include/path
directory contains some example programs you can play with. Simplest
way to run example program is to use use
Usage: ./ example_prog_name
This script launches a macro pre-processor first and then compiles and runs vm over resulting assembly.
The whole instruction set is implemented. Example programs may not cover everything but it's close.
TODO: tail-call optimization for TAP etc. More examples.