
Utilities to interface with ASA

Primary LanguagePython


These tools automate some common Cisco ASA Tasks


**No internal product information was used to develop this tool. Windows tool Fiddler was used to identify the protocol used by ASDM.

This tools automates common tasks associated with configuring Cisco ASA physical or virtual appliances.

The tool simulates HTTP protocol to interact with the ASA mimicking ASDM.

Usage information

It supports the following functions:

  • Install CA certificates from specified pem files.
  • Install identity certificates from specified pkcs12 files.
  • Upload files to flash.
  • Deploy configs from supplied text files.

The tasks do not need to be all specified at once. You can execute one or multiple tasks.

The tasks are executed in the order of the list above: CA certificates, Identity certificates, file uploads and finally configs. If one of the tasks is ommited it is simply skipped.

Since the tool simulates ASDM, the ASA is expected to be configured with accessible HTTP server and authentication enabled.

-x option can be used to force basic authentication instead of ASDM. This requires http server basic-auth-client ASDM command to be present on the ASA.

-u and -p options specify credentials to the ASA. If either or both of these arguments are omitted, they will be collected interactively.

-i and -t options specify both the trustpoint name as well as the file to be installed in those trustpoints. See examples below.

There is no validation of the contents of the certificates. CA certificate files are expected to be in base64 PEM format. Binary DER format will fail. PKCS12 files are expected to be in the standard binary form. The data from the PKCS12 files is converted to base64 when sent to the ASA.

Before certificates are installed, the tools makes an attempt to remove the matching private key and the trustpoint. You may see errors if the items to be removed are not configured.

File upload feature runs verify command on the ASA to calculate MD5 hash of the file if it already exists on the device. If that hash matches that of the local file, the upload is skipped. When specifying the file name on the ASA, omit disk0:/. For example, to upload disk0:/vpnprofiles/vpn1.xml, specify vpnprofiles/vpn1.xml

You can use file upload feature to upload Dynamic Access Policy (DAP) as well as hostscan conditions (process, registry, etc). The DAP configuration is stored in disk0:/dap.xml and hostscan checks in disk0:/sdesktop/data.xml. if dap.xml file is updated, dynamic-access-policy-config activate must be executed on the ASA to force a reload of that file. Be sure to add that command to the subsequent config file.

When uploading configs, the ASA will accept exec level commands such as write mem. There are some commands on the ASA that takes a few seconds to commit, such as anyconnect image. if write mem is executed immediately after anyconnect image command, it will fail. The tool can be run again a few seconds later with just write mem command in the supplied config file.

If python is not available on the system that can reach the ASA, this tool can generate the required commands to perform the same tasks using native commands of *nix and Windows systems. On Windows, curl is required which appears to be bundled with recent OS releases.

The only non-default module that needs to be installed is requests.

Here's full usage help of the tool:

usage: sendconf.py [-h] -a <ASAIP>[:<PORT>] [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-t <trustpoint>=<pemfile> [<trustpoint>=<pemfile> ...]]
                [-i <trustpoint>=<pfxfile>,<password> [<trustpoint>=<pfxfile>,<password> ...]] [-f <devicefile>=<localfile> [<devicefile>=<localfile> ...]]
                [-c <configfile> [<configfile> ...]] [-d <level>]

ASA Configuration Tool

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-m                    Output Windows and *nix commands to execute actions manually. Will not attempt to connect to ASA.
-a <ASAIP>[:<PORT>]   ASA FQDN or IP address. HTTPS Port can be specified optionally
-u <username>         ASDM Username. If ommited, an interactive prompt will be displayed.
-p <password>         ASDM Password. If ommited, an interactive prompt will be displayed.
-t <trustpoint>=<pemfile> [<trustpoint>=<pemfile> ...]
                        Root CA Trustpoints and PEM files
-i <trustpoint>=<pfxfile>,<password> [<trustpoint>=<pfxfile>,<password> ...]
                        Identity Trustpoints and PKCS12 files
-f <devicefile>=<localfile> [<devicefile>=<localfile> ...]
                        Upload files. Device file relative to disk0:/. Eg. sdesktop/data.xml=/tmp/data.xml
-c <configfile> [<configfile> ...]
                        Path one or more config files. Configs will be applied in order.
-x                    Use basic authentication
-d <level>            Debug level. 1-Warning, 2-Verbose (default), 3-Debug

Example 1 - CA Certificates

Installing CA Certificates

$ ./sendconf.py -a -u cisco -p cisco -t x1=LetsEncryptX1.cer x3=LetsEncryptX3.cer 
2021-08-06 22:38:47,565 - INFO - Attempting to import CA certificate x1
2021-08-06 22:38:47,667 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
Enter the certificate in base64 representation....
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself.
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint:     0cd2f9e0 da1773e9 ed864da5 e370e74e 

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

Cryptochecksum (changed): bfa9bea3 2d9df0c6 62f13e59 68ebe1aa 
Config OK

2021-08-06 22:38:47,667 - INFO - Attempting to import CA certificate x3
2021-08-06 22:38:47,954 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
Enter the certificate in base64 representation....
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself.
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint:     4887d3a7 5ce51770 de002f32 1f5bc5ce 

Trustpoint 'x3' is a subordinate CA and holds a non self-signed certificate.

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

Cryptochecksum (changed): 84db7dfe c06c042c cf974b51 ef74a419 
Config OK

Example 2 - Identity Certificates

Installing Identity Certificates. Note that a password has to be supplied for each pkcs12. In the example below, cisco is the password.

$ ./sendconf.py -a -u cisco -p cisco -i tp1=cisco1.pfx,cisco tp2=cisco2.pfx,cisco
2021-08-06 22:48:08,218 - INFO - Attempting to import PKCS12 identity certificate tp1
2021-08-06 22:48:08,332 - INFO - Received response:
ERROR: CA trustpoint 'tp1' is not known.
ERROR: The specified RSA keypair does not exist (tp1).
Enter the PKCS12 data in base64 representation....
..WARNING: Identical public key already exists as ciscodemo
WARNING: CA certificates can be used to validate VPN connections,
by default.  Please adjust the validation-usage of this
trustpoint to limit the validation scope, if necessary.
INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully.

Cryptochecksum (changed): ec6892c1 a323794c 63234df9 e6d93d9b 
Config OK

2021-08-06 22:48:08,333 - INFO - Attempting to import PKCS12 identity certificate tp2
2021-08-06 22:48:08,622 - INFO - Received response:
ERROR: CA trustpoint 'tp2' is not known.
ERROR: The specified RSA keypair does not exist (tp2).
Enter the PKCS12 data in base64 representation....
.WARNING: Identical public key already exists as vblan
WARNING: CA certificates can be used to validate VPN connections,
by default.  Please adjust the validation-usage of this
trustpoint to limit the validation scope, if necessary.
INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully.

Cryptochecksum (changed): d4eee601 cc534495 a792d79b 96e49f5c 
Config OK

Example 3 - File Uploads

Uploading files.

$ ./sendconf.py -a -u cisco -p cisco -f sdesktop/data.xml=data.xml anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg=anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg dap.xml=dap.xml
2021-08-06 23:10:29,875 - INFO - Attempting to upload sdesktop/data.xml
2021-08-06 23:10:30,098 - INFO - Received Response:
2173 bytes uploaded

2021-08-06 23:10:30,787 - INFO - anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg is already on the device. Upload skipped.
2021-08-06 23:10:31,008 - INFO - Attempting to upload dap.xml
2021-08-06 23:10:31,235 - INFO - Received Response:
6028 bytes uploaded

Example 4 - Combined Functions

Performing all functions at once

$ ./sendconf.py -a -u cisco -p cisco -f sdesktop/data.xml=data.xml anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg=anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg dap.xml=dap.xml -i tp1=cisco1.pfx,cisco tp2=cisco2.pfx,cisco -t x1=LetsEncryptX1.cer x3=LetsEncryptX3.cer -c config1.txt saveconfig.txt
2021-08-06 23:14:38,982 - INFO - Attempting to import CA certificate x3
2021-08-06 23:14:39,086 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
Enter the certificate in base64 representation....
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself.
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint:     4887d3a7 5ce51770 de002f32 1f5bc5ce 

Trustpoint 'x3' is a subordinate CA and holds a non self-signed certificate.

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

Cryptochecksum (changed): 84db7dfe c06c042c cf974b51 ef74a419 
Config OK

2021-08-06 23:14:39,087 - INFO - Attempting to import CA certificate x3
2021-08-06 23:14:39,369 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
Enter the certificate in base64 representation....
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself.
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint:     4887d3a7 5ce51770 de002f32 1f5bc5ce 

Trustpoint 'x3' is a subordinate CA and holds a non self-signed certificate.

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

Cryptochecksum (changed): 84db7dfe c06c042c cf974b51 ef74a419 
Config OK

2021-08-06 23:14:39,370 - INFO - Attempting to import PKCS12 identity certificate tp1
2021-08-06 23:14:39,683 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
ERROR: The specified RSA keypair does not exist (tp1).
Enter the PKCS12 data in base64 representation....
..WARNING: Identical public key already exists as ciscodemo
WARNING: CA certificates can be used to validate VPN connections,
by default.  Please adjust the validation-usage of this
trustpoint to limit the validation scope, if necessary.
INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully.

Cryptochecksum (changed): ec6892c1 a323794c 63234df9 e6d93d9b 
Config OK

2021-08-06 23:14:39,683 - INFO - Attempting to import PKCS12 identity certificate tp2
2021-08-06 23:14:39,973 - INFO - Received response:
WARNING: Removing an enrolled trustpoint will destroy all 
certificates received from the related Certificate Authority.
INFO: Be sure to ask the CA administrator to revoke your certificates.
ERROR: The specified RSA keypair does not exist (tp2).
Enter the PKCS12 data in base64 representation....
.WARNING: Identical public key already exists as vblan
WARNING: CA certificates can be used to validate VPN connections,
by default.  Please adjust the validation-usage of this
trustpoint to limit the validation scope, if necessary.
INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully.

Cryptochecksum (changed): d4eee601 cc534495 a792d79b 96e49f5c 
Config OK

2021-08-06 23:14:40,201 - INFO - Attempting to upload sdesktop/data.xml
2021-08-06 23:14:40,426 - INFO - Received Response:
2173 bytes uploaded

2021-08-06 23:14:41,127 - INFO - anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg is already on the device. Upload skipped.
2021-08-06 23:14:41,343 - INFO - Attempting to upload dap.xml
2021-08-06 23:14:41,571 - INFO - Received Response:
6028 bytes uploaded

2021-08-06 23:14:41,572 - INFO - Attempting to post configuration from config1.txt
2021-08-06 23:14:47,031 - INFO - Received response:

INFO: Webvpn Cache is disabled by default on this release.
    Please refer to the documentation to enable WebVPN Cache using CLI or ASDM.

Cryptochecksum (changed): 380140fd 0cfff750 ce486d4e 9bea18d0 
Config OK

2021-08-06 23:14:47,031 - INFO - Attempting to post configuration from saveconfig.txt
2021-08-06 23:14:47,323 - INFO - Received response:

Cryptochecksum (changed): d41d8cd9 8f00b204 e9800998 ecf8427e 
Config OK

Example 4 - Generate Commands for Native Tools

Generate commands to run the tasks manually on *nix or Windows systems

$ ./sendconf.py" -m -a -u cisco -p cisco -i ciscodemo=.ciscodemo.pfx,cisco -t x1=.LetsEncryptX1.cer r3=.LetsEncryptR3.pem -c .config.txt -f dap.xml=.dap.xml anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg=.anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg 
----------------------------- *nix cli -----------------------------
# Login to the ASA
curl -k -X POST -d "username=cisco&password=cisco&tgroup=DefaultADMINGroup&Login=Login" "" -A "ASDM/"  -b "webvpnlogin=1; tg=0RGVmYXVsdEFETUlOR3JvdXA=" -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt

# Import CA Cert from .LetsEncryptX1.cer into x1
echo no crypto ca trustpoint x1 noconfirm >/tmp/x1_691132.txt
echo crypto ca trustpoint x1 >>/tmp/x1_691132.txt
echo enrollment terminal >>/tmp/x1_691132.txt
echo crypto ca authenticate x1 nointeractive >>/tmp/x1_691132.txt
cat .LetsEncryptX1.cer >>/tmp/x1_691132.txt
echo quit >>/tmp/x1_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @/tmp/x1_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
rm /tmp/x1_691132.txt

# Import CA Cert from .LetsEncryptR3.pem into r3
echo no crypto ca trustpoint r3 noconfirm >/tmp/r3_691132.txt
echo crypto ca trustpoint r3 >>/tmp/r3_691132.txt
echo enrollment terminal >>/tmp/r3_691132.txt
echo crypto ca authenticate r3 nointeractive >>/tmp/r3_691132.txt
cat .LetsEncryptR3.pem >>/tmp/r3_691132.txt
echo quit >>/tmp/r3_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @/tmp/r3_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
rm /tmp/r3_691132.txt

# Import ID Cert from .ciscodemo.pfx into ciscodemo
base64 -b 64 -i .ciscodemo.pfx -o /tmp/ciscodemo_691132.b64
echo no crypto ca trustpoint ciscodemo noconfirm >/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo crypto key zeroize rsa label ciscodemo noconfirm >>/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo crypto ca import ciscodemo pkcs12 cisco nointeractive >>/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt
cat /tmp/ciscodemo_691132.b64 >>/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo quit >>/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @/tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
rm /tmp/ciscodemo_691132.txt /tmp/ciscodemo_691132.b64

# Upload local file .dap.xml to dap.xml on ASA
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.dap.xml -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

# Upload local file .anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg to anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg on ASA
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

# Applying configuration from .config.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b /tmp/cj_691132.txt -c /tmp/cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.config.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

# Delete Cookie Jar file
rm /tmp/cj_691132.txt

--------------------------- Windows cli ----------------------------
REM Login to the ASA
curl -k -X POST -d "username=cisco&password=cisco&tgroup=DefaultADMINGroup&Login=Login" "" -A "ASDM/"  -b "webvpnlogin=1; tg=0RGVmYXVsdEFETUlOR3JvdXA=" -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt

REM Import CA Cert from .LetsEncryptX1.cer into x1
echo no crypto ca trustpoint x1 noconfirm >%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
echo crypto ca trustpoint x1 >>%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
echo enrollment terminal >>%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
echo crypto ca authenticate x1 nointeractive >>%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
type .LetsEncryptX1.cer >>%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
echo quit >>%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @%TEMP%\x1_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
del %TEMP%\x1_691132.txt

REM Import CA Cert from .LetsEncryptR3.pem into r3
echo no crypto ca trustpoint r3 noconfirm >%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
echo crypto ca trustpoint r3 >>%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
echo enrollment terminal >>%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
echo crypto ca authenticate r3 nointeractive >>%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
type .LetsEncryptR3.pem >>%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
echo quit >>%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @%TEMP%\r3_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
del %TEMP%\r3_691132.txt

REM Import ID Cert from .ciscodemo.pfx into ciscodemo
certutil -encode .ciscodemo.pfx %TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.b64
echo no crypto ca trustpoint ciscodemo noconfirm >%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo crypto key zeroize rsa label ciscodemo noconfirm >>%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo crypto ca import ciscodemo pkcs12 cisco nointeractive >>%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt
type %TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.b64 >>%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt
echo quit >>%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @%TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"
del %TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.txt %TEMP%\ciscodemo_691132.b64

REM Upload local file .dap.xml to dap.xml on ASA
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.dap.xml -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

REM Upload local file .anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg to anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg on ASA
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

REM Applying configuration from .config.txt
curl -k "" -A "ASDM/"  -b %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt -c %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt --data-binary @.config.txt -H "Content-Type: application/unknown"

REM Delete Cookie Jar file
del %TEMP%\cj_691132.txt