FastAPI with uvicorn example
http://localhost:8080/docs to see swagger docs
- activate virtual env
virtualenv fastapifolder
source env_name/bin/activate
save dependencies freeze > requirements.txt
Dockerizing save dependencies freeze
create Dockerfile build docker build .
docker image tag
Run container to upload environment file run as . There is PORT variable in .env , but need to think out a way to set it for "publish"
docker run -d --env-file .env --publish 8080:8080 --restart unless-stopped vbronfman/fastapiexample
ECS deployment with Fargate . Create task definition
- image name
- new security group to expose 8080 (optional)
- env variable PORT
Create service
networking - addign publillc IP
In case of success , the IP can be viewed in Services -> servicename -> Tasks -> tasknum -> Configuration
Create CRUD routes with DB. Try out with Chainguard image docker pull