
Generates HiPlot visualization data for a Keras Tuner hyperparameter optimization project

Primary LanguagePython

Keras Tuner to Hiplot

This script traverses a project directory generated by a Keras Tuner tuner and creates a CSV file that can directly be consumed by HiPlot for visualization of results. Inspired by this post.


You will need to have HiPlot installed (python 3.6 or above)

pip install hiplot

For easy of use you can install the script in ~/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/.

cp keras-tuner-hiplot/kt2hip.py ~/bin/


  1. Navigate to your project folder and issue kt2hip.py, or directly

    kt2hip.py /path/to/keras-tuner/project

    This will create a hiplot.csv file in that folder and print its path to stdout.

  2. hiplot on a terminal. Leave it running.

  3. Open a web browser and go to (or alternative location used by HiPlot server).

    Paste the path to the hiplot.csv file in the text box on top of the webpage and press enter.

alt text