
Computer Science Senior Project (2013-2014)

Primary LanguagePython


Computer Science Senior Project (2013-2014)

Project Paper: http://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/theses/393/

Expander Graphs - generating "good" expander graphs using a variation of Margulis' approach.

Install Git

Install the latest version of git from git clone https://github.com/git/git.git If you have git installed already, update to the latest version:

git clone https://github.com/git/git.git 

Install PIP (Python package installer)

curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
[sudo] python get-pip.py


Install Virtual Environment (virtualenv)

Virtual environment is an environment for python that will help you create different package configurations for different projects (similar to Ruby's gemsets).

[sudo] pip install virtualenv


Clone the repo


Activate Environment

In order to activate the VirtualEnvironment (that contains the libraries needed for the project, including NumPy), run

source activate_environment

to disable the environment, run deactivate