
Macros, functions and cateogories for Foundation and UIKit.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

iOS Utilities

If you're like us, you don't like redundant code. We wrote these helpers and additions mostly to clean up our source code; hopefully, you can benefit from these efforts as well.



This is a collection of functions and preprocessor macros that can simplify your Cocoa Touch code quite a bit. (Most of the macros and one function could also be used with regular Cocoa.) In order to use it, you have to define a preprocessor macro for every target: DELEGATE_CLASS=XYZ, where XYZ is your the name of your application delegate class. Then, open the precompiled header file (*-Prefix.pch) and insert #import "QAUtilities.h" at the bottom. In addition, you have to call QAInitialize(self) in -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: of your application delegate.


A simple category on NSUserDefaults that makes a few common settings easier to use.


A category on NSString that implements some methods that should have been in that class in the first place.