
Navigating the silver searcher result in CtrlP

Primary LanguageVim script

CtrlP ag

CtrlP extension for global searching source code with ag. Modified from vim-ctrlp-tjump, another CtrlP extension that is strongly recommended.

Automatically configures :grep and CtrlP to use ag unless grepprg or g:ctrlp_user_command have been user-defined.


  1. Fire any plugin manager like Vundle

    Plugin 'lokikl/vim-ctrlp-ag'
  2. Create mapping

    nnoremap <c-f> :CtrlPag<cr>
    vnoremap <c-f> :CtrlPagVisual<cr>
    nnoremap <leader>ca :CtrlPagLocate
    nnoremap <leader>cp :CtrlPagPrevious<cr>
    let g:ctrlp_ag_ignores = '--ignore .git
        \ --ignore "deps/*"
        \ --ignore "_build/*"
        \ --ignore "node_modules/*"'


  • Press c-f on the word you want to search (works in both normal/visual mode)
  • Press <leader>ca, a prompt opened to ask you what to search
  • Press <leader>cp, to redo the last ag search in CtrlP


  • Set the variable g:ctrlp_ag_filter to a command that executes its arguments as a sub-command, which in turn allows filtering the results. (Default: 'timeout 10' or 'gtimeout 10' or undefined, depending on the programs you've installed)
  • Set the variable g:ctrlp_ag_timeout to the number of seconds that the timeout filter should wait for ag to complete. (Default: 10) Don't touch g:ctrlp_ag_filter if you want to use this filter.