
Application settings via Consul with yaml defaults

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Gem that simplifies usage of Consul (via Diplomat gem) to host application settings. Gem provides defaults via yaml files and other utilities to simplify storage and control of application with Consul KV storage.

Gem is trying to solve a problem of distributing application settings for local development environment and provide defaults in production before custom value is set inside of consul.

Example use cases:

  • One engineer has created a new feature that depend on consul key/value.

    How enginner can notify other engineers that they need to set this value in their consul environments?

  • DevOps team responsible to configure and maintain deployment.

    How do they learn (have reference) of what settings and structure application expect?

Gem reads any particular setting from consul and if it is missing tries to find value in YAML defaults file

NOTE Consul is requested every time you query the settings. Defaults YAML file is loaded in memory and is not changing.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'consul_application_settings'



At the load of application:

ConsulApplicationSettings.configure do |config|
  # Specify path to the base settings YML. Default: 'config/application_settings.yml' 
  config.base_file_path = Rails.root.join('config/my_settings.yml')
  # Specify path to the local settings YML, which overrides the base file. Default: 'config/application_settings.local.yml'
  config.local_file_path = Rails.root.join('config/my_settings.local.yml')
  # Specify whether exceprion should be thrown on Consul connection errors. Default: false
  config.disable_consul_connection_errors = true

APP_SETTINGS = ConsulApplicationSettings.load
# Specify path to settings both in YML files and Consul
AUTH_SETTIGNS = ConsulApplicationSettings.load('authentication')

NOTE For rails you can add this code to custom initializer console_application_settings.rb in app/config/initializers

NOTE Diplomat gem should be configured before requesting any settings

Settings structure

Assuming your defaults file in repository config/application_settings.yml looks like:

    app_name: 'MyCoolApp'
    hostname: 'http://localhost:3001'
        domain: localhost
        user: app
        password: password1234
        enabled: false
        webhook_url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXXXX'

And consul has following settings

  "staging": {
    "my_cool_app": {
     "hostname": "https://mycoolapp.com",
     "integrations": {
        "database": {
          "domain": "",
          "password": "*************"
        "slack": {
          "enabled": "true"

Query settings via full path

Anywhere in your code base, after initialization, you can use previously loaded settings to query any key by full path

APP_SETTINGS['app_name']                           # "MyCoolApp"
APP_SETTINGS.get(:hostname)                     # "https://mycoolapp.com"

APP_SETTINGS.get('integrations/database/user')  # "app"
APP_SETTINGS['integrations/slack/enabled']      # true

Nested settings

Assuming some part of your code needs to work with smaller part of settings - gem provides interface to avoid duplicating absolute path

# You can load subsettings from root object
db_settings = APP_SETTINGS.load('integrations/database')
db_settings.get(:domain)                  # ""
db_settings['user']                       # "app"

Gem Configuration

You can configure gem with block:

ConsulApplicationSettings.configure do |config|
  config.local_file_path = 'config/config.yml'

or one option at a time

ConsulApplicationSettings.config.local_file_path = 'config/config.yml'

All Gem configurations

Configuration Required Default Type Description
base_file_path no 'config/application_settings.yml' String Path to the file with base settings
local_file_path no 'config/application_settings.local.yml' String Path to the file with local settings overriding the base settings
disable_consul_connection_errors no true Boolean Do not raise exception when consul is not available (useful for development)


  1. Install Consul
  2. Run bin/setup to install dependencies
  3. Run tests rspec
  4. Add new test
  5. Add new code
  6. Go to step 3


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/matic-insurance/consul_application_settings. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the ConsulApplicationSettings project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.