
[No More Maintenance] A plugin providing LaTeX equation support for Typecho

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION



New Features


  • Use CDN for loading .js and .css resources.

  • Delimiters and IgnoredTags can be configured in Config Page.

  • 使用外部CDN来加载.js.css资源。

  • 可以在配置页面进行 标识符 和 禁用标签 的设置了。


  • First Release



A plugin providing LaTeX equation support for Typecho

This plugin is based on KaTeX

Have a Show

  • inline mode

An inline equation $$ \sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \frac{1}{6} n (n+1) (2n+1)$$

  • standalone mode

\\[ \sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \frac{1}{6} n (n+1) (2n+1) \\]

How It Works

KaTeX4Typecho auto-renders the whole page with KaTeX.


  1. Download the latest KaTeX4Typecho.
  2. Extract the files into directory, $TYPECHO_DIR$/usr/plugins/KaTeX4Typecho.
  3. Enable the plugin in the management back-end of Typecho.
  4. Configure the plugin. More details are illustrated in the following instructions.
  5. Enjoy the plugin in your Typecho posts, with $$ ... $$ brackets for inline equations, and \\[ ... \\] brackets for standalone equations.

Instructions for Plugin Configuratoin

Currently, the plugin Configuratoin has two settings, "Delimiters for equations" and "Ignored Tags". These settings decide which content the plugin will render.

Delimiters for equations

You can define delimiters for equations here. The default configuration is,

{left: "$$", right: "$$", display: false},{left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true}

  • A pair of {} brackets corresponds to a set of delimiters. These sets are seperated by comma, ,.
  • In each set, left stands for the left delimiter (bracket), right for the right one. display: true means standalone equation mode, and display: false means inline equation mode.
  • Here we only define two sets of delimiters by default. You may define much more sets.

Ignored Tags

This area indicates which tags will be ignored during the process of rendering. Default setting is,

"script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code"


  • It is a waste for loading the .js and .css resources in the posts which contains no LaTeX expressions. I'm going to solve this by adding a judgement for category or TAG.


Having any suggestions or other feedbacks, feel free to contact me through GitHub or Email or Blog.

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 vc12345679


这是一个为 Typecho 提供 LaTeX 公式支持的插件。

本项目基于 KaTeX


  • 行内模式

一个行内公式 $$ \sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \frac{1}{6} n (n+1) (2n+1) $$

  • 独立模式

\\[ \sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \frac{1}{6} n (n+1) (2n+1) \\]


KaTeX4Typecho 使用 KaTeX 渲染整个页面。


  1. 下载最新版本的 KaTeX4Typecho
  2. 解压到文件夹 $TYPECHO_DIR$/usr/plugins/KaTeX4Typecho
  3. 在 Typecho 的后台管理页面开启插件。
  4. 配置插件。根据使用的主题,这一步可能是可缺省的。具体的配置方法在下面的插件配置说明中会有详细的描述。
  5. 可以在 Typecho 里体验插件了,括号 $$ ... $$ 表明这是一个行内公式,括号 \\[ ... \\] 表明这是一个独立公式。


目前,插件的配置只有两项, "Delimiters for equations" 和 "Ignored Tags"。 这些配置决定了插件将会渲染的内容。

Delimiters for equations


{left: "$$", right: "$$", display: false},{left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true}

  • 每一对 {} 对应一组标识符,每组标识符由逗号 , 分隔;
  • 在每一组标识符的设置里,left 代表左标识符(括号),right 代表右标识符(括号),display: true 表示独立公式模式,display: false 表示行内公式模式;
  • 这里仅定义了两组标识符,你还可以定义更多组标识符。

Ignored Tags

这项配置用来标识禁止 KaTeX 渲染的标签,默认配置为:

"script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code"


  • 目前使用的是 $$ ... $$\\[ ... \\] 这两种固定的括号,有时这些括号可能会带来一些麻烦,下一步我会针对括号的选择在插件配置页面中增加一些配置项。


如果有什么建议或者其他反馈,请不吝赐教,GitHub 或者 电子邮件 或者 Blog 均可。

MIT License. Cgopyright (c) 2016 vc12345679