Quickstart: Drupal app with FusionAuth

This repository contains a Drupal app that uses FusionAuth, as the authentication provider.



NOTE: Drupal 10 requires PHP 8.1.0 or higher and MariaDB 10.3.7+ or MySQL/Percona 5.7.8+ in order to run.


Clone this repository to your local machine and then enter the fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web directory.

Open a bash terminal in the root of this directory and run the following command to pull the necessary Docker images:

docker compose pull

Next, run the following command to start the Drupal and FusionAuth containers:

docker compose up -d

If all is well, you should see the following running containers:

  • fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-web-1: The Drupal container.
  • fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db-1: FusionAuth's PostrgreSQL database.
  • fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db2-1: Drupal's MySQL database.
  • fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-fusionauth-1: The FusionAuth container.
  • fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-search-1: The Opensearch container.

If one of the containers fails to start, or you wish to reset the system, run the following commands to stop and remove all containers and volumes:

docker compose kill
docker compose rm -fv
docker compose down -v

docker compose kill stops all running containers, docker compose rm -fv removes them and then docker compose down -v removes the volumes.

You'll then need to re-run docker compose up -d to start the containers again.

The FusionAuth configuration files make use of a unique feature of FusionAuth, called Kickstart: when FusionAuth comes up for the first time, it will look at the Kickstart file and mimic API calls to configure FusionAuth for use when it is first run.

NOTE: If you ever want to reset the FusionAuth system, delete the volumes created by docker-compose as we explained above by executing docker compose down -v.

FusionAuth will be initially configured with these settings:

  • Your client Id is: e9fdb985-9173-4e01-9d73-ac2d60d1dc8e
  • Your client secret is: super-secret-secret-that-should-be-regenerated-for-production
  • Your example username is richard@example.com and your password is password.
  • Your admin username is admin@example.com and your password is password.
  • Your fusionAuthBaseUrl is 'http://localhost:9011/'

You can log into the FusionAuth admin UI and look around if you want, but with Docker/Kickstart you don't need to.

Drupal complete-application

The complete-application directory contains the Drupal app configured to authenticate with locally running FusionAuth.

If the fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-web-1 and fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db2-1 containers are running then it means the Drupal application is up. Let's go ahead and import the database now.

Import the database

Open a bash terminal in the root of the fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web directory.

First we want to copy the database dump file located at ./db-backups into the db2 container. Run the following command to copy the file:

docker cp ./db-backups/changebank.sql fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db2-1:/changebank.sql

Next, we want to import the dump file into the database. Run the following command to import the database:

docker exec -i fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db2-1 sh -c 'mysql -u drupal -pverybadpassword drupaldb < /changebank.sql'

For the above to take effect, restart your containers by running the following command:

docker compose restart

Accessing the Drupal App

You can now access the Drupal app by opening a browser and navigating to http://localhost.

To login to the application with FusionAuth, click the Login button and then on the user login page located at http://localhost/user/login you can click on the button labeled Login with generic.

That will redirect you to the FusionAuth login page where you can login with the following credentials:

  • Username: admin@example.com
  • Password: password


  • Username: richard@example.com
  • Password: password

Once you login, you will be redirected back to the Drupal app's account page (http://localhost/account) where you will see your username in the top right hand corner along with the logout button.

In the main navigation menu, you will see a link to the makechange page (http://localhost/makechange) where you can navigate to and "make change" with the form located there and the account page will keep track of the last value you entered.

You're currently logged in as a user with the role of authenticated user which means you can only access the account, makechange and home pages.

If you want to explore the application with more depth as an admin user, you can do so by logging out and then entering the following credentials at the user login page:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

If for whatever reason you want to change the credentials for the Drupal application's MySQL database, make sure to update the settings.php file located at ./complete-application/web/sites/default/settings.php with the new credentials.

By default they are:

$databases['default']['default'] = array (
  'database' => 'drupaldb',
  'username' => 'drupal',
  'password' => 'verybadpassword',
  'prefix' => '',
  'host' => 'fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web-db2-1',
  'port' => '3307',
  'isolation_level' => 'READ COMMITTED',
  'namespace' => 'Drupal\\mysql\\Driver\\Database\\mysql',
  'driver' => 'mysql',
  'autoload' => 'core/modules/mysql/src/Driver/Database/mysql/',


The command-line tool, Drush, is installed in the Drupal container and you can make use of it to perform various tasks.

One such task is to import or export config for the database. To do so, open a bash terminal in the root of the fusionauth-quickstart-php-drupal-web directory and run the following command to enter the Drupal container:

docker compose exec web bash

Once inside the container, you can run the following command to export the config:

vendor/bin/drush cex

Or to import config:

vendor/bin/drush cim

NOTE: Drupal's config directory is usually located at web/sites/default/files/config_some_hash/sync/.

You can do manual imports by copying the code in a particular .yml file the config/sync directory, visiting the import page at http://localhost/admin/config/development/configuration/single/import, selecting the corresponding config type and pasting the code into the text area.

Other popular commands include:

  • vendor/bin/drush cr: Clears the cache,
  • vendor/bin/drush pm-enable <module name>: Enables a module,
  • vendor/bin/drush updb: Updates the database,
  • vendor/bin/drush uli: Generates a one-time login link for a user,
  • and many more.

For a full list of commands, visit https://www.drush.org/12.2.0/commands/all/.

Further Information

Visit https://fusionauth.io/quickstarts/quickstart-php-drupal-web for a step by step guide on how to build the Drupal integration with FusionAuth manually.


  • I get This site can’t be reached localhost refused to connect. when I click the Login button

Ensure FusionAuth is running in the Docker container. You should be able to login as the admin user, admin@example.com with the password of password at http://localhost:9011/admin.

  • I get an error /usr/bin/env: 'php\r': No such file or directory when trying to run drush commands.

Incorrect line endings are known to cause this issue. To fix the issue, you need to convert the line endings of the file from Windows to Unix. this can be done by use of the dos2unix command. You can install dos2unix by running the following command inside the Drupal container:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y dos2unix

Once installed, you can convert the line endings of the file by running the following command inside the Drupal container:

dos2unix /opt/drupal/vendor/bin/drush