Create a Plex Playlist with what was aired on this today's month-day, sort by oldest first. If Playlist from yesterday exists delete and create today's. If today's Playlist exists exit.
Receive session_key from PlexPy when paused. Use sub-script wait_kill_pause_notify_sub
to wait for X time then check if still paused. If so, kill. Toggle whether you'd like to be notified through a PlexPy notification agent.
Receive session_key and IP from PlexPy when playback starts. Use IP to check against whitelist. If not in whitelist use session_key to determine stream and kill.
If user has 2 or more concurrent streams and the IP of the 2nd stream differs from 1st kill 2nd. If 2nd stream IP is the same as 1st stream don't kill.
Send an email with what was added to Plex in the past week using PlexPy. Email includes title (TV: Show Name: Episode Name; Movie: Movie Title), time added, image, and summary.
If a new IP is found send notification via the Email Notification Agent. Email contains User's Avatar image, link to location, IP address, and User's Email address.
Post to Twitter when TV/Movie is added to Plex. Include custom message and embed poster image. Option to tweet to TWITTER_USER if title is inside TITLE_FIND.
From a list of TV shows, check if users in a list has watched shows episodes. If all users in list have watched an episode of listed show, then delete episode.
Grab media (videos, pictures) from Google Drive. All videos and pictures were automatically synced from Google Photos to Google Drive. Puts media into MEDIA_TYPE/YEAR/MONTH-DAY/FILE.ext directory structure.
This is indented to restrict a user to the LIMIT amount of concurrent streams. User will be warned, punished, and banned completely if violations continue.