This project is a social meida based E-commerce platform mainly targeting at unviersity students who want to sell their second hand belongs like books and furniture or purchase cheap but high quality items. Moreover, people can connect to others by following their accounts. Through this way, people can get new item on sale notification and view the sale post from those whom they follow. In the development, we use AngularJS, NodeJS, Mean, SocketIO, Express and MySQL. We also use many tools for this project. We hope that this project will be helpful for the university communities and even other people who would like to sell or purchase used items.
- Zhiheng Chu
- Chen Xie
- Danwei Qian
- Ziqiang Shi
- Baichuan Yang
Here are the links of important documents of this project
- Project Objectivs
- Data Model Design
- Web Front-End Structure Design
- New Added Web Pages and Required APIs
Here are the links of Engineering Standard of this project
Here are the links of the programming language used in this project
- AngularJS and AngularJS 4 Hours Tutorial
- Mean
- NodeJS
- SocketIO
- Express
- Boostrap
- BackboneJS
- FireBase
- Trello Project Management Tool
- Github Souce Code Management Tool
- Ondras Database Data Model Design Tool
- ProcessOn Follow Diagram Design Tool (Web front-end Design)