Install and set up Google Cloud SDK locally [].
After you create your project and register it through Google, you can easily upload files and deploy apps using the Google Cloud Shell.[]
To deploy your app for testing and development: app.yaml
To deploy the app for testing and development with a clean datastore: --clear_datastore=yes app.yaml
To deploy the app to a server using Google Cloud Shell:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml
GET /boats/
POST /boats/
GET /bosts/{boat_id}
PATCH /bosts/{boat_id}
DELETE /bosts/{boat_id}
GET /slips/
POST /slips/
GET /slips/{slip_id}
PATCH /slips/{slip_id}
PUT /boats/{boat_id}/slips/{slip_id}
DELETE /boats/{boat_id}/slips/{slip_id}