
A NativeScript plugin for the Spotify iOS and Android SDK's.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

alt text

A NativeScript plugin for the Spotify iOS and Android SDKs.


npm install nativescript-spotify --save




Platform Prerequisites



  • app.ts

Configure application launch phases to setup your Spotify App CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URL (the ones you created above in the developer account):

import * as application from 'application';
import {NSSpotifyConstants, NSSpotifyAuth} from 'nativescript-spotify';

class MyDelegate extends UIResponder {
  public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];
  public applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application: UIApplication, launchOptions: NSDictionary): boolean {
    NSSpotifyConstants.CLIENT_ID = 'your spotify premium account api key';
    TNSSpotifyAuth.REDIRECT_URL = 'your-app-custom-url-scheme://spotifylogin';
    return true;
application.ios.delegate = MyDelegate;
application.mainModule = "main-page";
application.cssFile = "./app.css";
  • main-page.ts
import {SpotifyDemo} from "./main-view-model";

function pageLoaded(args) {
  var page = args.object;
  page.bindingContext = new SpotifyDemo();
exports.pageLoaded = pageLoaded;
  • main-view-model.ts
import {Observable, EventData} from 'data/observable';
import {Page} from 'ui/page';
import {topmost} from 'ui/frame';
import {AnimationCurve} from 'ui/enums';
import * as loader from 'nativescript-loading-indicator';
import {TNSSpotifyConstants, TNSSpotifyAuth, TNSSpotifyPlayer, TNSSpotifyPlaylist, TNSSpotifyRequest, Utils} from 'nativescript-spotify';

export class SpotifyDemo extends Observable {
  private _spotify: TNSSpotifyPlayer;

  constructor() {
    this._spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();
    // when using iOS delegates that extend NSObject, TypeScript constructors are not used, therefore a separate `initPlayer()` exists
    this._spotify.initPlayer(true); // passing `true` lets player know you want it to emit events (sometimes it's not desired)
    // small sample of events (see Documentation below for full list)
    this._spotify.audioEvents.on('albumArtChange', (eventData) => {
    this._spotify.audioEvents.on('authLoginSuccess', (eventData) => {
  public login() {
  public play(args?: EventData) {
    this._spotify.togglePlay('spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp').then((isPlaying: boolean) => {
      console.log(isPlaying ? 'Playing!' : 'Paused!');
    }, (error) => {
      console.log(`Playback error: ${error}`);
  private updateAlbumArt(url: string) {
    this.set(`currentAlbumUrl`, url);
  private loginSuccess() {


Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample1 Sample2
Sample 3 Sample 4
Sample3 Sample4



  • Docs coming soon for Android...



TNSSpotifyPlayer implements SPTAudioStreamingPlaybackDelegate.


// Option 1: simple
this.spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();

// Option 2: advanced
this.spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();
// passing `true` will let the player know it should emit events

// it allows you to listen to events like so:
this.spotify.audioEvents.on('startedPlayingTrack', (event) => {
  console.log(event.data.url); // spotify track url

// play/pause a track
this.spotify.togglePlay('spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp').then((isPlaying: boolean) => {
  console.log(isPlaying ? 'Playing!' : 'Paused!');
}, (error) => {
  console.log(`Playback error: ${error}`);


Method Description
togglePlay(track?: string): Promise<any> Allows toggle play/pause on a track, or changing a track. track must be a valid spotify track uri. Learn more here
isPlaying(): boolean Determine if player is currently playing
isLoggedIn(): boolean Determine if player is authenticated
setVolume(value: number): Promise<any> Set the player volume
loadedTrack(): string Determine current loaded track (spotify track uri)
currentTrackMetadata(): ISpotifyTrackMetadata Get the current track's metadata. Learn more here


Event Description
authLoginChange Sends along data = status: boolean When auth state changes.
authLoginCheck When auth callback has returned and is verifying authentication
authLoginSuccess When auth succeeded
albumArtChange Sends along data = url: string When track triggers a play start, this will also trigger to send along the correct album art of the track.
playerReady When the session has been validated and the player is ready to play.
changedPlaybackStatus Sends along data = playing: boolean When playback state changes.
seekedToOffset Sends along data = offset: number When player has seeked to a given offset.
changedVolume Sends along data = volume: number When the player volume was changed.
changedShuffleStatus Sends along data = shuffle: number When shuffle setting was changed.
changedRepeatStatus Sends along data = repeat: number When repeat setting was changed.
changedToTrack Sends along data = metadata: any When track change occurs.
failedToPlayTrack Sends along data = url: string When track play fails. Provides the url of the track that failed.
startedPlayingTrack Sends along data = url: string When track play starts. Provides the url of the track that started.
stoppedPlayingTrack Sends along data = url: string When track play stops. Provides the url of the track that stopped.
skippedToNextTrack When player skipped to next track.
skippedToPreviousTrack When player skipped to previous track.
activePlaybackDevice When the audio streaming object becomes the active playback device on the user’s account.
inactivePlaybackDevice When the audio streaming object becomes an inactive playback device on the user’s account.
poppedQueue When the audio streaming object becomes an inactive playback device on the user’s account.
temporaryConnectionError A temporary connection error occurred.
streamError Sends along data = error: any when a streaming error occurred.
receivedMessage Sends along data = message: string when a message is received from the Spotify service.
streamDisconnected When the stream becomes disconnected.



Provides static properties and methods to help with authentication handling and user management.


Property Description
REDIRECT_URL: string Used to set your spotify application redirect url, required for device auth redirect, ie: 'your-app-custom-url-scheme://spotifylogin'
SESSION: SPTSession Represents the current auth session.
CLEAR_COOKIES: boolean Clear cookies in auth window to not remember last logged in user. Defaults false.
PREMIUM_MSG: string The message which alerts when a non-premium user attempts to play a track.


Method Description
LOGIN(): void Initiates login sequence.
LOGIN_WITH_SESSION(session): void Logs user in with session returned from the in-app browser auth window.
LOGOUT(): void Clear's persisted user session and notifies of login change.
HANDLE_AUTH_CALLBACK(url): boolean When using standard browser redirect auth, this can be used in application launch phase to handle the auth redirect back into the app. On older versions, this may be needed.
VERIFY_SESSION(session?: any): Promise<any> Mainly used internally, but used to restore a session from local persistence and/or renew.
SAVE_SESSION(session): void Mainly used internally, but can be used to persist a valid Spotify session.
GET_STORED_SESSION(): any Get the current user's session. Learn more here
RENEW_SESSION(session): Promise<any> Can be used to pass an expired session to renew it.
CURRENT_USER(): Promise<any> Get the current user object. Learn more here



Provides 1 static method to search Spotify.


Method Description
QUERY(query: string, queryType: string, offset: number = 0): Promise<any> Search and paginate through query results of Spotify search results. Resolves an Object structure: {page: number (offset), hasNextPage: boolean, totalListLength: number, tracks: Array}. Right now using queryType = 'track' is supported. More query types coming soon.

Why the TNS prefixed name?

TNS stands for Telerik NativeScript

iOS uses classes prefixed with NS (stemming from the NeXTSTEP days of old): https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSString_Class/

To avoid confusion with iOS native classes, TNS is used instead.
