
An event app for the EMC Germany Townhall 2016

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#emc_phoenix2 Build Status


Conference App for the EMC Phoenix2 Event 2016 in Berlin


Overview: Overview


Simplest way to test this app is to use Vagrant with vagrant up. This will create a Fedora Virtualbox with all required packages and a python virtual environment.


modify environments file for development

copy "environments.sh.example" environments.sh modify environments.sh


create ecs access keys


create buckets and corresponding CORS configuration (example below)


or more specific also for GET with http and https

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

to test CORS:

curl -i "http://static.1234567890.public.ecstestdrive.com/some/file.txt" -H "Origin: http://www.example.com"

and look for Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.example.com in the response.

collectstatic at client

python manage.py collectstatic


Create Account at https://papertrailapp.com and add three Services of type Cloud Foundry.
More information at http://help.papertrailapp.com/kb/hosting-services/cloud-foundry/

create social authentication



Create application

Create OAuth 2 Credentials -> Web application -> Authorized redirect URIs: http://app.domain.com/accounts/github/login/callback/

Enable API

Overview -> Google+ API -> Enable API



Create application

Create New App -> Callback URL: http://app.domain.com/accounts/twitter/login/callback/



Create application

Create New App -> Authorization callback URL: http://app.domain.com/accounts/github/login/callback/


https://developers.facebook.com/apps Settings -> Advanced -> Valid OAuth redirect URIs: http://app.domain.com/accounts/facebook/login/callback/

cloud foundry

login to Cloud Foundry

cf login -a https://api.run.pivotal.io

create services

Example for Pivotal Web Service (run.pivotal.io)

cf create-service elephantsql turtle phoenix_db
cf create-service cloudamqp lemur phoenix_rabbitmq
cf create-service newrelic standard phoenix_newrelic
cf create-service sendgrid free sendgrid

cf cups phoenix_ecs -p '{"HOST":"object.ecstestdrive.com","ACCESS_KEY_ID":"123456789@ecstestdrive.emc.com","SECRET_ACCESS_KEY":"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","PUBLIC_URL":"123456789.public.ecstestdrive.com","STATIC_BUCKET":"static","MEDIA_BUCKET":"public","SECURE_BUCKET":"secure"}'
cf cups phoenix_config -p '{"SECRET_KEY":"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","DEBUG":"False","DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL":"noreply@domain.local","DEFAULT_TO_EMAIL":"admin@domain.local","SERVER_EMAIL":"django@domain.local","ADMINS":"[('Admin', 'admin@domain.local')]"}'

cf cups phoenix_papertrail -l syslog://logs3.papertrailapp.com:12345
cf cups phoenix_celery_papertrail -l syslog://logs3.papertrailapp.com:12346
cf cups phoenix_watcher_papertrail -l syslog://logs3.papertrailapp.com:12347

if not using sendgrid

cf cups phoenix_mail -p '{"HOST":"smtp.domain.local","USER":"django@domain.local","PASSWORD":"123456789","PORT":"25","TLS":"True"}'
initial push for database creation

Script will create a superuser admin with password admin cf push phoenix --no-route -c "bash scripts/init_db.sh" -i 1

migrate database
cf delete phoenix-migrate```

##### push app
```cf push phoenix```

For a non-disruptive push
```cf rename phoenix phoenix-old
cf push phoenix
cf delete phoenix-old --f```

##### push celery
```cf push phoenix-celery```

##### push twitter-watcher
```cf push phoenix-twitter-watcher```

#### Backup & Restore Database

##### Local Backup
```pg_dump postgres:///phoenix -F t > psqldump.tar```

##### Remote Backup
```pg_dump postgres://user:password@host.db.elephantsql.com:5432/database -F t > elephantsqldump.tar```

##### Local Restore

dropdb phoenix sudo -u postgres createdb -U postgres --locale=en_US.utf-8 -E utf-8 -O vagrant phoenix -T template0 pg_restore -d phoenix psqldump.tar

#### Travis CI

This app is using [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org) for continuous integration and continuous deployment to Cloud Foundry.
If your password includes symbols (such as braces, parentheses, backslashes, and pipe symbols), you must escape those symbols before running travis encrypt.
More Information regarding [Cloud Foundry Deployment](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/cloudfoundry/).

travis encrypt --add deploy.username travis encrypt --add deploy.password