
How to flash RTL8710/RtlDuino with STM32 Discovery Board

Program rtl8170 (RtlDuino) with STM32 Discovery Board

  1. Disconnect CN3 Jumpers (inside 'ST-LINK DISCOVERY' label)
  2. Connect to SWD (CN2) pins with jumpwires to rtlduino board (see rtlduino-pinout.png): Pin 2 <> CLK Pin 3 <> GND Pin 4 <> TMS (Pin 5) <> TRST
  3. Connect any 5V pin on STM board to 5VDD
  4. Install OpenOCD >= version 0.9, and install gcc-arm-none-eabi
  5. git checkout https://bitbucket.org/rebane/rtl8710/src
  6. Replace in Makefile "interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg" with "interface/stlink-v2.cfg"
  7. Change blinking GPIO to RtlDuino's onboard LED: main.c: Replace in references to GPIO_PORTA_* (last 3 occurences): (((uint32_t)1) << 8) -> (((uint32_t)1) << 6)