
Fastest LSP client for Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


lsp-bridge's goal is to become the fastest LSP client in the Emacs.

lsp-bridge use python threading technology build cache bridge between Emacs and LSP server, you will never feel stuck when you write the code.


  1. Install python-epc: pip install epc
  2. Clone or download this repository (path of the folder is the <path-to-lsp-bridge> used below).
  3. Add follow code in your ~/.emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-lsp-bridge>")

(require 'lsp-bridge)

;; For python and pyright
(dolist (hook (list
  (add-hook hook (lambda ()


Key Event
TAB lsp-bridge-complete-selection
RET lsp-bridge-complete-selection
M-h lsp-bridge-complete-selection
M-H lsp-bridge-complete-common
M-n lsp-bridge-select-next
M-p lsp-bridge-select-previous
M-, lsp-bridge-select-last
M-. lsp-bridge-select-first

Customize language server configuration

lsp-bridge load lang server configuration from directory lsp-bridge/langserver.

But default configuration maybe not works with your environment, you can change lsp-bridge-lang-server-list to customize language server configuration.

Example, we can change (python-mode . "pyright") to (python-mode . "/my_directory/pyright.json") then lsp-bridge will load configuration from /my_directory/pyright.json instead load from lsp-bridge/langserver/pyright.json.

Add support for new language?

  1. Create settings file under lsp-bridge/langserver, such as pyright.json is use for pyright.
  2. Add (mode . server_name) in lsp-bridge-lang-server-list, such as (python-mode . "pyright")
  3. Then add (lsp-bridge-enable) in mode-hook for test.

Welcome send PR to help us improve support for LSP servers, thank you!

Supported language servers

  1. clangd (c++)
  2. pyright (python)
  3. solargraph (ruby)
  4. rust-analyzer (rust)
  5. elixirLS (elixir) Note: please ensure export elixir-ls release directory in your system PATH at first.
  6. gopls (go)
  7. hls (haskell)
  8. dart_analysis_server (dart)
  9. metals (scala)
  10. typescript (typescript, javascript)
  11. ocaml (ocamllsp)


  • Find references UI: use color-rg or xref
  • Popup web document window by Popweb
  • To support more LSP servers

Report bug

Please use emacs -q and load a minimal setup with only lsp-bridge to verify that the bug is reproducible. If emacs -q works fine, probably something is wrong with your Emacs config.

If the problem persists, please report it here with *lsp-bridge* buffer content, it contains many clues that can help us locate the problem faster.

If you get a segfault error, please use the following way to collect crash information:

  1. Install gdb and turn on option lsp-bridge-enable-debug
  2. Use the command lsp-bridge-stop-process to stop the current process
  3. Restart lsp-bridge, send issue with *lsp-bridge* buffer content when next crash
