
This project tries to show the different ways Confluent S3SinkConnector can store objects in S3 depending on it's configuration. We will use docker compose to create the infrastructure needed to run the examples. In this execise AWS S3 object storage will be replaced by a local minio server so we can run all the infrastructure locally.

When all three provided connectors are deployed, a stream of "pageview" events are stored in S3.

                                                                                 |       minio       |
                                                                                 |                   |
                                                    +---------------------+      | +---------------+ |
                                                    |                     |      | |/partition=3   | |
                                                    | DefaultPartitioner  |      | |               | |
                                              +---->| S3 Sink Connector   +------+>|               | |
                                              |     |                     |      | +---------------+ |
+--------------------+     +-------------+    |     +---------------------+      |                   |
|                    |     |             +----+                                  |                   |
|  Pageviews         +---->|  pageviews  |                                       |                   |
|  DatagenConnector  |     |  topic      |          +---------------------+      | +---------------+ |
|                    |     |             +----+     |                     +------+>|/year=2023/... | |
+--------------------+     +-------------+    |     | DailyPartitioner    |      | |               | |
                                              +---->| S3 Sink Connector   |      | |               | |
                                                    |                     |      | +---------------+ |
                                                    +---------------------+      |                   |

Run project

Run infra

make start

Deploy connectors

make start

Open minio web console

make minio-ui

Objects distribution

Depending on the partitioner we choose (there are two different examples in the repo) connector will create a different folder structure inside S3

default partitioner

will create the different objects in a tree structure like this somebucketname/topics/pageviews/partition=0

time based partitioners

for example, daily partitioner will create the different objects in a tree structure like this somebucketname/topics/pageviews/year=2023/month=04/day=18