
Grocerify is a project that uses React Apollo 2 and Apollo Server with Prisma

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Made with React, Styled Components, GraphQL Apollo and Prisma

Grocerify is a mobile-first web app that you can:

  • see all the products;
  • authenticate to add the products to your shopping cart (JWT authentication);
  • see your shopping cart with the total price, add more or less products or remove them from your cart;


I did this project in my free time to aprimorate my skills on Apollo Client with React.
At first, I just wanted to consume a GraphQL API without building the back-end, but I wanted to challenge myself to understand the whole stack to create my own logic, so I decided to build the back-end too.

Running the Back End

  1. Create an account on Prisma Cloud

After the first step, run the following commands in the root folder of the project to start the back-end:

  1. Command to install prisma globally
npm install -g prisma
  1. After running this third command, you can choose the prisma demo server
prisma deploy
  1. Command to generate the prisma client
prisma generate
  1. Start the project
npm run start

Running the Front End

  1. Go to the client's folder
cd client
  1. Install the dependencies. You can use NPM too
yarn install
  1. Start the project
yarn start

To run the integration tests

yarn test

To run the E2E tests with Cypress

yarn cypress:open

Tech Stack


  • Add form validation;
  • Aprimorate the UI to handle better with caching;
  • Aprimorate the back-end;
  • Rewrite the UI to use TypeScript;
  • more...