
A jQuery plugin which allows you to create a slider for any kind of content.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jQuery AnySlider 1.7.1

AnySlider is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a slider for any kind of HTML content.



The current beta/unstable version can be found in the "develop" branch. Not recommended for production sites.

Please send all pull requests to the "develop" branch as well.

Building AnySlider

To build and automatically minify and run JSHint on the code you'll need the latest Node.js/npm and Git. Please refer to their respective home pages for installation instructions.

Then install the grunt-cli package globally (if not done already):

npm install -g grunt-cli

Then install the Node dependencies:

cd AnySlider && npm install

Now, to get a minified and linted version of AnySlider run:


If all goes well and your code passes the lint a file called "jquery.anyslider.min.js" will be created in the "dist" directory.


  • Continuous autoplay.
  • Custom easings.
  • Fade or slide transition.
  • Highly customizable appearance and lots of options.
  • Keyboard navigation.
  • Multiple sliders on one page supported.
  • Navigation bullets.
  • No CSS or HTML-structure enforced, you're 100% in charge.
  • Slide any content or using any element. HTML, images and YouTube clips. Or mix <div>s, <span>s, and <section>s. AnySlider doesn't care.
  • Small, 1.5 kB minified and gzipped (3.5 kB minified).
  • Supported in all major browsers.
  • Touch support (Android, iOS, and Windows 8).


  • afterChange (Default function ()) function A function to call after each slide change.
  • afterSetup (Default function ()) function A function to call after the slider has been setup.
  • animation (Default slide") string Transition, one of the following:
    • fade Fades between slides.
    • slide A sliding aniamtion between slides.
  • beforeChange (Default function ()) function A function to call before each slide change.
  • bullets (Default true) boolean Whether or not to display navigation bullets. Setting this to false will prevent the bullets from being drawn at all.
  • delay (Default 300) integer The delay (in milliseconds) between two fading slides.
  • easing (Default "swing") string Name of a custom easing. For example via the jQuery Easing plugin. Only used when "animation" is "slide".
  • interval (Default 5000) integer Number of milliseconds to pause on each slide. Setting this option to 0 will disable autoplay.
  • keyboardNav (Default true) boolean Allow for keyboard navigation using the left and right arrow keys.
  • nextLabel (Default "Next slide") string Label for the next button.
  • pauseOnHover (Default true) boolean Pause the autoplay on hover?
  • prevLabel (Default "Previous slide") string Label for the previous button.
  • responsive (Default true) boolean Whether to enable responsive support.
  • rtl (Default false) boolean Whether to slide right-to-left instead of left-to-right when autoplay is enabled.
  • showControls (Default true) boolean Show/hide controls. Setting this to false will prevent the controls from being drawn at all.
  • speed (Default 400) int The animation time in milliseconds. Setting this option to 0 will disable animation.
  • startSlide (Default 1) int Number of the starting slide. Starting from 1.
  • touch (Default true) boolean Whether to enable the ability to swipe between slides.

Minimum required jQuery version is 1.5.0.


Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.