Diaspora* Publisher for Google Chrome

This extension provides bookmarklet functionality for your Google Chrome browser.

Updated pod list in options page is from http://podupti.me/, thanks to dmorley.


From source

git clone git@github.com:vcuculo/diaspora-chrome-publisher.git

In Chrome, go to Wrench > Tools > Extensions > Developer Mode Click on Load unpacked extension and select diaspora-chrome-publisher folder.

From Chrome Web Store



Contribute with translations

Translations should be done by creating a new file as _locales/xx/messages.json where xx is a language code from http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ISO-639-2_utf-8.txt

A message appears as

"extAction": {
  "message": "Publish this page on Diaspora",
  "description": "Hover: Extension action when hover icon."

where message is the text that appears in extension, and description is just a field with the meaning of text.


Support via Gratipay