
我的vim配置my vimrc for python

Primary LanguageVim Script

vimrc for python

  • delete your vim config file completely

  • install the required dependencies:

sudo apt-get install curl vim exuberant-ctags git ack-grep
sudo pip install pep8 flake8 pyflakes isort yapf
  • download the .vimrc file and place it in your linux home folder

  • run vim and wait..

Some of the best features

  • :MarkdownPreview => Markdownpreview
  • <ctrl-h> => Left
  • <ctrl-j> => Down
  • <ctrl-k> => Up
  • <ctrl-l> => Right
  • <ctrl-\> => Previous split
  • <F5> run in command line
  • <F6> is equal to python manage.py runserver
  • <c-j> quickrun in vim bottom
  • , d Go to definition
  • , D Go to definition in new tab
  • and more


small tutorial.


based on fisa-vim-config, thanks.

tips: use vim with tmux with be more better