
A convenient module for working with quantization of models

Primary LanguagePython


A convenient module for working with quantization of models.

The project is based on PyTorch's FX/Eager technology.

The report on the third homework assignment can be found at triton_info.md.


git clone https://github.com/vd-kuznetsov/qtools.git

cd qtools
conda create --name qtools python==3.8
conda activate qtools

poetry install
pre-commit install
pre-commit run -a


Recommended actions:

  1. Launch the MLflow server, check if your address matches the one specified in the config

  2. python commands.py

The second point can be run separately:

  • python commands.py mode=train - model training

    • Downloads a dataset using DVC from GDrive
  • python commands.py mode=infer - quantizes the trained model with a single line of code

    • By default, the weights of the model are used after training