Datavis technologies handson


We have set up a group of exercises that will guide you through the different facets of creating visualisations using web technologies and sveltekit. Below are the instructions on how to get these.

The general material presented in the course ( is based on svelte, whereas the exercises are created in sveltekit. Svelte is a language and compiler for building web applications. It allows you to create reusable components. SvelteKit is a full-stack web application framework built on top of Svelte.

In the exercise material (see below), we explain the structure of a sveltekit application; it is not relevant here though.

Setting things up

You’ll have to create an account on github ( first. This will make it easier to get everything organised.

We have prepared a project on github so that the right structures are set up and the necessary boilerplate code is ready to go. To get set up:

On github

On stackblitz

  • Log in using your github account
  • Click on "repositories" in the left and then on the "datavis-technologies-handson"

Sveltekit vs Svelte

We won't go into running a sveltekit application locally, as is covered by the stackblitz system. If you would like to try it, however, you can find the necessary information on the sveltekit website at

Directory structure

The actual svelte sketches are located under the src/routes directory. This structure is mandatory, and should not be changed. The src/routes directly maps to the URL structure: any subdirectory will be accessible from your webbrowser.

For example, src/routes/01_web_technologies/ex_1/ maps to http://some_ip/01_web_technologies/ex_1.

The actual page you get to see at that URL gets its contents from the file named +page.svelte in that particular directory. Note that the file must be named +page.svelte.

IMPORTANT: You will actually not be changing the +page.svelte files, but the Exercise.svelte files in these subdirectories.


When you open the repository on stackblitz, it will compile the code and start a webserver (probably on port 5173, but this might vary.)

❯ npm install && npm run dev
warn preInstall No description field
warn preInstall No repository field
warn preInstall No license field
┌ [1/4] 🔍  Resolving dependencies
└ Completed in 0.043s
┌ [2/4] 🚚  Fetching dependencies
│ info pruneDeps Excluding 14 dependencies. For more information use `--verbose`.
└ Completed in 2.553s
┌ [3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies
└ Completed in 0.135s
info security We found `install` scripts which turbo skips for security reasons. For more information see
├─ @sveltejs/kit@1.7.2
└─ esbuild@0.16.17
info Some packages were automatically replaced with polyfills. For more information see
└─ esbuild@0.16.17 => esbuild-wasm@0.16.17

success Saved lockfile "package-lock.json"
success Updated "package.json"

success Install finished in 2.744s
$ vite dev

Forced re-optimization of dependencies

  VITE v4.1.2  ready in 1269 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h to show help
9:56:22 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] ssr compile done.
package                         files     time    avg
datavis-technologies-handson        3   28.7ms  9.6ms

Notice the line saying Local: http://localhost:5173/: it tells you the port to connect to. You might see a button to open a preview, or have to open a new browser tab on that particular port yourself.

As you go through the contents of that webpage, switch back to stackblitz to edit the Exercise.svelte file for each exercise.