This program recursively scans a directory looking for files of different types to generate a link or include the content in the generated html page.
The types of files searched are:
- csv
- jtl
- xml
- gz
- zip
- log
- gif
- png
- bmp
- jpg
- jpeg
- html
The link is "<a ref=" relative for files of type: csv, jtl, xml, gz, zip, log (to download it)
The link is "<img src=" relative for files of type: gif, png, bmp, jpg, jpeg (to view it)
For html files, the content is read and directly included in the generated html page (blocks of html tables created with the csv-report-to-html tool from csv file)
sorting algorithm : Filenames with less directory deep are before file this directory
Example : z.img < dir/x.img < dir/y.img < aa/bb/c.img < aa/bb/d.img Deep : no dir, dir 1 deep level, dir 2 deep level
See the LICENSE file Apache 2
HTML Extract example :
The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the Maven Central Repository
Just include the plugin in your pom.xml
and execute mvn verify
or individual launch mvn -Dgraph_width=950 exec:java@create_html_page_for_files_in_directory
This tool is a java jar, so it's could be use as simple jar (look at Release to download jar file)
java -Dimage_width=900 -cp create-html-for-files-in-directory-<version>.jar io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.utils.HtmlGraphVisualizationGenerator jmeter/results index.html or java -Dimage_width=900 -jar create-html-for-files-in-directory-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar jmeter/results index.html
Usally this plugin is use with jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin
and this plugin csv-report-to-html
- The jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin create the report csv files and graphs
- The csv-report-to-html create the html table report from the csv file
- The create-html-for-files-in-directory create a page html this links to images and files in a directory to show and add links
Version 1.2 add the file size after the "<a ref=" link
Version 1.1 add link (a href) to jtl and xml files
Version 1.0 initial version