
Template for create own cinnamon template with ts-typings and some automations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Applet template

Used to develop applet for cinnamon

How to use

First of all rename the applet in package.json file, but don't type UUID there (with "@"). Also you can specify applet version, description and author name.

  "name": "cinnamon-applet-template",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Applet for template",
  "author": "The Developer <thedeveloper@mail.com>"

These data will be used to generate metadata.json file when you build your applet.

If you want to control metadata.json file just create it in project root (next to package.json) and define some fields. All undefined fields will be defined automatically (uuid, version, last-edited, name, description, author).

UUID will be generated as {package_json_name}@{pc_hostname}.local for example applet-template@my-home-pc.local

Then place your icons and other assets into assets folder. All it entries will be copies direct into build directory (without assets in path). If you have at least one file in assets/icon the local folder will be registered as extra icons folder this way


You can also create your own applet.js file in project root. Key "%f" will be replace with absolute path to main js file with applet class.

If build task run with env var NODE_ENV=production the debug variable will be set to false and it will set to true otherwise.

Run configurations

If you are using WebStorm IDE there are number of built-in run configurations. It descriptions below. It also possible to run with npm run, so correspond npm script name specified in square brackets

Build (webpack) [build:dev]

  1. Clear build folder in project root
  2. Compile .ts files into single .js file with name of the project and put it in build directory (e.g. "cinnamon-applet-template")
  3. Create new or copy existent applet.js file in build directory
  4. Create new or copy existent metadata.json file in build directory

Production build (webpack) [build]

Same as "Build (webpack)" but set debug variable to false

Register applet [register]

Create soft link to project build directory in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/.

Unregister applet [unregister]

Remove created soft link in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/.

Reload applet code [reload]

It do unknown magick to reload applet code. Doesn't work for me. I'm just restart cinnamon and it works fine.

Build and reload

No production build and attempt to reload applet code