
Primary LanguagePython

SSHCMD is a command-line toolsuit to handle Odoo server operations on Debian based linux.

To install odoo, run:

 sudo ./install_odoo_v9-0.sh

Some alliases:

odoo => Start the server.
restart => Restart the server.
scaffold => Create a new addon folder with basic stuff inside. (Usage: scaffold <nameOfYourAddon>) 

Odoo's service can be restarted with "sudo service odoo-server restart"

ftp.py is a little FTP client written in python.

Available command in FTPSHELL:

	[help, connect, cd, dc, dl, upload, ls, rename, rm, exit, rename]

	(Use help command for more infos)

ssh.py is a basic SSH client written in python too using paramiko.

Available command in SSHELL:

	[help, add, connect, run, close]

	(Use help command for more infos)