
I will complete the Advent Of Code using my own language even if it means I have to write code after I die.


Solutions to Advent of Code as a means to test my language and virtual machine, EVIL.

How to run solutions

  1. Grab an artifact, extract it somewhere on your system. You need .NET >= 7.0 to run this. Optionally, add the directory to your $PATH.
  2. Execute one of the solutions (assumes evil in $PATH), e.g. evil /path/to/aoc/2015/d12.vil

Some solutions will run for quite a while because the VM is slow as shit. Maybe I should re-write the entire thing in C one day... And make a JIT. Who knows.

After 3 years I'm just tired of this project so if all you wanna bitch about is the performance/implementation details leave me alone.