Holo Progressbar inverse

This project brings the inverse progressbar back to ICS+. The project contains the Library project and a Sample application.

The library is compatible with API 7+ (although it should work on all Android versions). The library will use the old inverse progressbar pre-ICS, and from ICS and up it'll pick the Holo inverse style.


Using the inverse progressbar in your projects is simple. Just add the Library project and use the style "Widget.Holo.ProgressBar.Large.Inverse" or "Widget.Holo.ProgressBar.Small.Inverse" as style for your progressbar. Feel free to copy the styles and images into your own project if that fits your needs.

Note that you shouldn't use @android:style/, but just @style, since the style is defined in the Library project. For example:


There's a sample application available, to see it in action. A screenshot is attached below.
