Driving Behavior Analysis

This system will collect data from vehicle and human’s behaviors by using OBD2 and Google Map to analyze if the driver drives the auto appropriately. Like fully stop, appropriate turning speed. If the driver is too tension, or the acceleration is too rapid, Then it will gives a report to user about their driving behaviors, and which part of driving behavior should be corrected.



Video Demo

/image/Driving Behvior Analysis Demo

Driving Behvior Analysis Demo Link

Interface and Report




Weekly Progress

Progress (Week 3/28)

  • Android app part:

    • Build bluetooth connection with the OBD
  • Server part:

    • Build LAMP server environment

Progress (Week 4/4)

  • Android app part:

    • Read OBD data
  • Server part:

    • Build upload function for the android app

Progress (Week 4/11)

  • Android app part:
    • Integrate the GPS function into the system

*Server part:

  • Build read function to read the csv files
  • Integrate the Google map rout API into the system

Progress (Week 4/18)

  • Android app part:

    • Build upload funtion to upload the log file to the server
  • Server part:

    • Build Some basic analyse functions
    • Build full-stop analyse functionem
    • Build over-acceleration analyse function

Progress (Week 4/25)

  • Android app part:

    • Debug the app(log file and aupload issue)
  • Server part:

    • Mark full stop point on the rout
    • Add filter function

Progress (Week 4/30)

  • Server part:
    • Add scoring system
    • Add Unite detection function
    • Video Demo
    • Final Report
    • Fixed some bugs