
A battle sequence in the style of old school RPGs (Final Fantasy/turn-based) with a touch of modern mobage sensibilities

Project Overview

Project Schedule

Day Deliverable Complete?
Day 1: Tue Wireframes and Priority Matrix Yes
Day 2: Wed Project Approval Yes
Pseudocode Yes
Basic Structure (Skeleton) Yes
Day 3: Thur Basic Structure/Style (Visual Design) Yes
Basic Functionality (Clicks) Yes
Landing Page Yes
Day 4: Fri Battle Logic Yes
Win/Lose Logic Yes
Day 5: Sat Reset Logic Yes
Day 6: Sun Bugs
Day 7: Mon Finish Bugs Yes
Day 8: Tues Project Presentations Yes

Project Description

This project is based off of a typical RPG boss battle. The idea is to model it after a traditional turn based combat system commonly found in JRPGS like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, mixed in with modern presentation a la Japanese mobile games like Fate/Grand Order and Granblue Fantasy. Also, the idea of having an exciting and thematic UI/UX for the game, like what is found in Persona 5, is appealing both in making the game stand out and also make the game flavorful from a visual standpoint.


Original Brainstorm

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Link to PDF

Priority Matrix

High Priority

  • Game Logic (Battle Calculation and Turn Loop)
  • Win Condition

Medium Priority

  • Basic Game Styling
  • Landing Page
  • Restart

Low Priority

  • Advanced Game Styling
  • Add PostMVP Features

User Stories

Landing Page

  • As a player, I want to be able to see a beginning and enter a choice whether I want to play

Game Initialization

  • As a player, I expect to have a character select screen to select who I am playing as, as well as choose my enemy

Playing The Game

  • As a player, I want to see all the visuals needed to play (status/life totals for allies and for enemies)
  • As a player, I expect that selecting my moves for my turn to be simple
  • As a player, I expect to see indication of my attacks working
  • As a player, I want to see good visual effects

Winning The Game

  • As a player, I expect to see a confirmation of winning
  • As a player, I expect to see a confirmation of losing

Game Reset

  • As a player, I want to see a way to return to the character select screen and fight again

Game Components

Landing Page

The idea is to start the battle with a question- if you really want to fight a monster. If you are ready, you will then select the boss you will fight, as well as your party.

Game Initialization

When the battle is started, you will see the boss you selected earlier and your party, as well as the relevant meters for HP/MP values

Playing The Game

The player has to select an attack from each ally. After attack selection, the allies will attack the boss, one at a time. If the boss is not dead, the boss will attack. If your party is not dead after the boss attack, then you will return to select attacks to hit the boss with.

Battle Start

  • Display Enemy and Allies
  • Select Ally Attack, One at a Time
  • Confirm Ally Attack Selection

Battle Sequence

  • Allies Attack, One at a Time
  • Boss HP Goes Down With Every Attack
  • If Boss HP > 0, Boss Attacks Allies. Else, Boss dies (Win Con)
  • If Ally HP < 0, Ally Cannot Attack. If All Allies' HP < 0, No Allies Can Attack (Lose Con).
  • If Both Boss and Allies' HP > 0, Turn Over And Next Attack Phase Begins (Battle Start)


  • Battle Message Depending on Win or Lose Con
  • After Battle Message, Option to Go Back to Main Character Selection

Winning The Game

Once the boss' HP reaches zero, you win the game. If the HP of all your allies reaches zero, you lose.

Game Reset

After a win or loss, you will have the option to go back and select a new enemy to fight.



  • Landing Page with Message (Get Name)
  • Select Player Avatar and Allies
  • Battle Screen with Boss and Allies as well as HP/MP meters
  • Battle Damage Calculation/Display
  • Basic Attack Animation/Notification
  • Win Con Based on Boss HP <= 0
  • Lose Con Based on Allies' HP <= 0
  • Return to Ally Select Screen


Planned Expansion

  • Adding Attacks with Buff/Debuff
  • Attack Damage Randomizer
  • Detailed Display of Status
  • Tooltips
  • Different Enemies
  • Expand Ally Select
  • Mobile View
  • Dialogue in Battle
  • Change Boss Behavior Based on HP

Functional Components

Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Game Logic H 20hrs 00hrs 24hrs
(Progress) H 3hrs 00hrs 4hrs
(Turn Order) H 3hrs 00hrs 10hrs
(Classes) H 3hrs 00hrs 2hrs
(On-screen) H 4hrs 00hrs 4hrs
(Damage) H 4hrs 00hrs 2hrs
(Misc) H 3hrs 00hrs 4hrs
Win Condition H 4hrs 00hrs 4hrs
Basic Game Styling M 6hrs 00hrs 6hrs
Landing Page M 00hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Restart M 00hrs 00hrs 4hrs
Total 34hrs 00hrs 40hrs
Advanced Game Styling L 5hrs 00hrs 00hrs
PostMVP L 10hrs 00hrs 00hrs
Super Total 50hrs 00hrs 00hrs

My time estimates were way off. Also, I underestimated the scope and difficulty of this project.

Helper Functions

Function Description
Progress Tracks progress of a quantity

Additional Libraries

JQuery - for DOM manipulation and other useful functions

Code Snippet

// function to loop attacks (i is entered as zero)
// immediately invoked function expression
(function atkLoop(i) {
  // defining variable to not use the argument itself
  let n = i;

  const allyMove = setTimeout(() => {
    // calling move function for one move

    // incrementing; this number is used to call the moves for the other allies
    n += 1;

    // win condition

    // if win con is true, make counter 4 to prematurely end the loop
    if (winCon()) {
      n = 4;

    // if the counter is less than 4, the loop continues with the next move
    if (n < 4) {
    // the initial value for i is 0, the set timeout is every 2 seconds to space out the attacks
  }, 2000);

I found the basic structure of this immediately invoking function expression that executes a setTimeout one after the other, rather than simultaneously. I had to heavily modify it for my use, but it still served as a solid base to make the game loop for the ally attacks. Basically, it has a parameter i, which you immediately pass an argument of zero at the end. Using a counter equal to the initial input, you use it inside a setTimeout where the move function is called with the argument of the counter. inside the setTimeout, increment the counter. The win con function is checked; if the win con is true, then the counter is set to a condition to end the loop. Otherwise, if the counter is less than 4, the function is called again. The way the function is structured, the next function call won't activate until the first function calll is completed, giving the illusion of stacking attacks in order.

jQuery Discoveries

.each - loops through DOM elements grabbed by JQuery .off - removes event handlers made through .on

Change Log

I had to scale back the project a bit. I could not really implement the postMVP, although the main project is more or less done.

Issues and Resolutions

Major Issue - Game Loop

Unlike the high-low game, I could not pause the game via user input- the attacks had to be executed one after the other without making it simultaneous. Unlike the tic tac toe, the loop was not a simple player 1/player 2 situation. I found a way to do the loop with a recursive self invoking function.

Major Issue - Creating Characters

Instead of creating objects for all of my characters, I made classes. I realized that the attacks also warranted their own class as well. However, whenever I had to change my code to make it more extendable, I had to edit the class definition. Using classes did make it easier to do any editing on my characters, though.


ERROR: eslint regenerator-runtime, prefer iteration to loops
RESOLUTION: Instead of using for...of loops for arrays, I used forEach

ERROR: eslint object deconstructing
RESOLUTION: I had to switch the way I got the class name for my objects (minor semantic detail)

ERROR: eslint function used before it was declared
RESOLUTION: I moved function declarations higher up


Final Fantasy 1 for basic layout Jason for several functions https://scottiestech.info/2014/07/01/javascript-fun-looping-with-a-delay/ for IIFE https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_progressbar.asp for basic progress meter