
Knowledge Base and Tool Chain, including ANTLR framework, contract/policy/data language, java/php ports for access and a utility library

Primary LanguageJava

Cloning and building the Java port of the SKB, including util, tribe and all language compilers:

Assumption: you are using CygWin on a windows machine! If not, then the path in line 5 of Phase IV is the same as the path in line 3 of Phase IV.

Phase I: get the source code from GitHub
  + Prerequisites: web access, git installed (preferably using CygWin)

  1. Go to github: "https://github.com/vdmeer/skb/"
  2. Copy the GIT-ReadOnly Git access URL: "git://github.com/vdmeer/skb.git"
  3. Open a new shell, and create a folder where the code should recide on your local machine
  4. Clone the github repository
  5. Clone the repository: "git clone git://github.com/vdmeer/skb.git"
  6. Go into the newly created folder "skb"
  7. Go to github: "https://github.com/vdmeer/skb-dependencies"
  8. Cope the GIT_ReadOnly Git access URL: "git://github.com/vdmeer/skb-dependencies.git"
  9. Clone the dependencies repo: "git clone git://github.com/vdmeer/skb-dependencies.git"
  10. Move the folder skb-dependencies/repository to the current path: "mv skb-dependencies/repository ."
  11. Remove the folder "skb-dependencies"

--> result is a clone of the whole SKB Repo (repository) on your local machine

Phase II: get all other tools required
  + Prerequisites: ant installed, web access

  1. Get the ANTLR Ant Task
     + go to the ANTLR website, file sharing: http://www.antlr.org/share/list
     + download: ANTLR v3 task for Ant, by Juergen Pfundt, last version known Mon May 16, 2011 14:34
     + from the downloaded archive, copy the file antlr3-task/ant-antlr3.jar into your local ant directory/lib: "$ANT_HOME/lib"
  2. Get the complete ANTLR 3 jar file
     + go to the ANTLR website, download: http://www.antlr.org/download
     + download: antlr-3.3-complete.jar (might work with 3.4 as well, but not yet tested)
     + copy the downloaded jar into your local ant directory/lib: "$ANT_HOME/lib"

--> we now have all external tools downloaded for building

Phase III: some local copying to configure ivy
  + Prerequisites: none

  1. Copy all contents of "projects\spring-build\lib\ivy" into "$ANT_HOME/lib"
     + cp projects\spring-build\lib\ivy $ANT_HOME/lib

--> now we are almost ready to build

Phase IV: configuration of the repository
  + Prerequisites: use tcsh (or convert commands to bash format)

  1. Create a file called env-tcsh.sh: "touch env-tcsh.sh"
  2. Add the following lines to the newly created file
     1 ] # Development Environment Settings
     2 ] setenv DEV_HOME /dev/demo
     3 ] setenv TINOS_HOME $DEV_HOME/skb
     4 ]
     5 ] setenv IVY_HOME v:/dev/demo/skb
     6 ]
     7 ] # Ant Settings
     8 ] setenv ANT_HOME /cygdrive/v/dev/bin/ant
     9 ] setenv ANT_OPTS "-Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=756m"
  3. Change the paths on the lines 2,3,5,8 to your local paths
     + line 2 to the retuls of this command: `(cd..;pwd)` without the cygwin path prefix, i.e. "/dev/demo"
     + line 3 to: $DEV_HOME/skb
     + line 5 to a WINDOWS path to same directory as line 3 points to, i.e.: v:/dev/demo/skb
     + line 8 to your local ANT installation

--> all done and we are prepared for building the skb

Phase V: build the SKB (everything!)
  + Prerequisites: Phase I-IV completed, web access (for first build, since ivy will download all dependencies)

  1. change directory to projects/build-distro: "cd projects/build-distro"
  2. source the file env-tcsh.sh: "source ../../env-tcsh.sh"
  3. start building by simply calling ant: "ant"

--> SKB Java port built