
Docker compose deployment for nostr

Primary LanguageShell


Docker compose deployment for nostr, using the Rust relay nostr-rs-relay and Traefik.


  • Docker (tested with 20.10.12)

  • Docker compose (tested with 1.29.2)


  1. Edit the .env var and adjust it to your needs (domain, email for Let's Encrypt, ...)

  2. Edit the config file config.toml with your preferred settings.

  3. Pull and start:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
  1. Check the logs:
docker-compose logs nostr-rs-relay

  1. Done! You can test the WebSocket connectivity with websocat:
> echo '["REQ", "test", {}]' | websocat -1 -n wss://nostr.unknown.place
["EVENT","test",{"id":"19070d74d81118aa9b412b597615f380778ededd1df71f551a5aa83dd02ae91b","pubkey":"48bd69736fa9e0a322aa132ec7613313b84fd064319c4f0ef4fdb8a55a66ad09","created_at":1645103669,"kind":1,"tags":[],"content":"this is a test","sig":"517f8073f2ea8d5e2de6d51b42e3c32d79994b02d744a1d28e5bd56213af0248e64119ec5d034dc5b3fbc4d6d535238b5cb3683752d3a392be5715136a063362"}]