A chess engine for anti-chess.

The Rules

If a person can take a piece, and it is their turn, they must take the piece. If you take the other person's king, you win.

Running the code (Prod)

If you want to run the code for reals, and test it against other bots, or run it for evaluation, you have come to the right place. First, use the following command to compile the executable:

cargo build --release

You can then find the binary at target/release/antichess-engine

To run this executable, you will need to pass in the color you would like the bot to play as. For example:

./target/release/antichess-engine white


./target/release/antichess-engine black

Running the code (Dev)

Within this repository, there are number executable to run. As a result, we have outlined the various runnable pieces of code below.

NOTE: Running this code in the unoptimized debug mode without the --release flag is not suggested. It runs really slow if you do it like that, and it only takes marginally less time to compile.

Playing against the bot (human vs bot)

By default, this is what happens when you simply run the program using the command:

cargo run --release -- white

The bot will play as white by default. But if you would like the bot to play as black, you can run the following command:

cargo run --release -- black

Of course you can pass in the flag for white (but this doesn't really do anything since it's already white by default).

If you would like to debug the program, you can enable debug logging by passing in an integer for the debug flag.

cargo run --release -- --debug=1 white

For more information, you can use the help flag

cargo run --release -- --help

Running bot matches

To play bots against each other, run

python --white <WHITE_EXE_PATH> --black <BLACK_EXE_PATH>

Running just python without any arguments will use the bots in the release build.

You will probably want to capture stderr in a separate file by appending 2> <TEXT_FILE> as to not show up with the output of the script.

Running the opening book generator

Run the following command:

cargo run --release --bin opening-gen

to generate the most up to date opening book.

The repo should come with an existing up to date opening book, but if for some reason you need to recreate it, you can run that command.

Running perft tests

Open up perft/ to view the various perft tests. These are taking from the chess programming wiki. Comment and uncomment the ones you would like to run.

To run them, run the following command:

cargo run --release --bin perft

Running unit and integration tests

Simply run the command:

cargo test --release


All external code are the Rust packages (called "crates") used in the engine listed in the file Cargo.toml, which have been cited below.

clap, Version 3.2.23. (2022). [Computer Software]. Retrieved from

Fleischman, Stephen. (2019). pleco, Version 0.5.0 [Computer software]. Retrieved from

rand, Version 0.8.4. (2021). [Computer Software]. Retrieved from

Tolnay, David. (2022). anyhow, Version 1.0 [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Tolnay, David. (2022). thiserror, Version 1.0 [Computer Software]. Retrieved from