
Mirror of https://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/vdr-plugin-skinenigmang.git

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This is the "EnigmaNG" skin for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR).

Written by:                  Andreas Mair (andreas AT vdr - developer DOT org)

Project's homepage:          http://andreas.vdr-developer.org/enigmang

Latest version available at: http://andreas.vdr-developer.org/enigmang

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for more information.


- VDR version >= 1.6.0.

- Logo pack from http://andreas.vdr-developer.org/enigmang


"EnigmaNG" is a standalone skin based on the "Enigma" text2skin addon.

Compile time configuration

There are some configuration items you need to set before running
"make plugins" in "Make.config":

If you are using the epgsearch plugin and want to see the number of
timer conflicts in the main menu's info area.

Include code to support the Avards plugin:
 - Dynamic OSD size depending on current WSS mode.
 - Display current WSS mode in channel info and replay OSDs.

If you use the mailbox plugin this will include support for it.

This turns usage of logos in the main menu completely off. This might
also improve the performance of the menus. EXPERIMENTAL!!!

If you have installed ImageMagick and want to use images in events'
and recordings' details.  Set to GRAPHICS to use GraphicsMagick.

Do not include code to show signal strength and signal-to-noise ratio.


> cd /put/your/path/here/VDR/PLUGINS/src
> tar -xzf /put/your/path/here/vdr-skinenigmang-X.Y.Z.tgz
> ln -s skinenigmang-X.Y.Z skinenigmang
OR (for CVS checkout):
> ln -s EnigmaNG skinenigmang
> cd skinenigmang

> cp -df themes/*.theme /path/to/vdrconf/themes/
> cd /put/your/path/here/VDR
> make
> make plugins
> ./vdr -P skinenigmang


That's the same procedure as "Installation" but you have to remove
some things before:

- Link to old sources
> cd /put/your/path/here/VDR/PLUGINS/src
> rm -f skinenigmang

- Old themes (only if you didn't change/add them!)
> cd /path/to/vdrconf/themes/
> rm -f EnigmaNG-*.theme


  -i path, --epgimages=path
      Path to the epgimages (Default: <logodir>/epgimages).

  -l path, --logodir=path
      Path to the logos (Default: <vdrconfdir>/plugins/skinenigmang).


In VDR go to the OSD settings menu and select the skin "EnigmaNG"

Setup Options

* General
- Try 8bpp single area
  If you don't want to use a single 8bpp area for the OSD you can disable
  it here. If this option is enabled this will not ensure that a single
  area is used, but EnigmaNG will try to use it. If your output deviice
  can handle that area (e.g. softdevice) it will be used. Otherwise multiple
  areas are used.
  This option might be useful for 4MB modded DVB cards because they say they
  can handle the 8bpp single area but the OSD will be slower. If you own such
  a card you may want to play with that option and see if you can increase
  OSD speed.
  NOTE: after commit the settings you have to fully close and re-open the OSD
  to make the change affect.

- Round corners
  If enabled some corners in the OSD will be rounded.

- Full title width
  If enabled the titlebar in the channel info will be drawn above the channel
  logo. This has no effect if channel logos are disabled.

- Show VPS
  Hide or show VPS information in channel info and event info.
- Dynamic OSD size
  Get OSD size from Avards or VDR >= v1.5.4.
  NOTE: This requires EnigmaNG compiled with SKINENIGMA_USE_PLUGIN_AVARDS = 1
        and a running Avards plugin.
+ Menu OSD
- Show info area in main menu
  This info area is shown in the main menu and it will show the current/next
  timers and the number of timer conflicts (if SKINENIGMA_USE_PLUGIN_EPGSEACH has
  been defined).

- Min width of info area
  This sets the minimum width the info area will have.

- Show messages in menu on (Last line/Help buttons/Free last line)
    Last line      - Messages will hide the last line in the menu OSD.
    Help buttons   - Messages will hide the help buttons in menu OSD.
    Free last line - The same as "Last line" but now the available list items
                     is reduced by one.

- Show scrollbar in menu (no/yes/if required)
  Disable or enable the scrollbar in the menu OSD. If set to "if required" the
  scrollbar will only be visible if scrolling is possible.

+ EPG & Recording Details OSD
- Show auxiliary information (top/bottom)
  Here you can set where you want to have the auxiliary information
  when you open an event's or recording's info screen. This information
  includes for a recording its channel, size, priority, lifetime, audio
  languages and some values that selected plugins (epgsearch, VDRAdmin-AM,
  pin) have set. For an event the audio languages are shown.

- Show recording's size (never/use size.vdr only/always)
  This setting controls if a recording's size is shown in the recording's
    never             - never show the size
    use size.vdr only - only show the size if size.vdr exists in the
                        recording's directory. The first line of size.vdr is
                        read and has to be the recording's size in megabytes
                        (MB). You can create size.vdr by adding a line like
                              du -sm | cut -f1 >"$2/size.vdr"
                        to your VDR's recording script's "after" and "edited"
    always            - This will also use size.vdr if available. Otherwise
                        it will calculate the size itself.

+ Channel Info OSD
- Show remaining/elapsed time (elapsed/remaining/percent/"elapsed/remaining")
  Here you can set if you want to read the number of minutes an event is
  already running (preceded by "+") or the number of minutes an event will
  run (preceded by "-") or the percent the event has been running in the
  channel info. "elapsed/remaining" will show both elapsed and remaining number
  of minutes.

- Width of progress bar
  The width of the progress bar that visualizes the elapsed time of the current

- Show signal info
  If set to yes the signal strength (top) and signal-to-noise ratio (bottom)
  will be shown at the bottom right side of the channel info OSD.

- Width of signal info
  The width of the signal info.

- Show CA system as text
  Show used CA system (e.g. Cryptoworks) as text instead of symbol in the
  channel info OSD.

* Logos & Symbols

- Show symbols
  Here you can enable or disable the large symbols shown in top right corner
  of the main menu, the recordings info and the event info and the "background"
  symbol of the mode symbol when replaying recordings.

- Show symbols in menu
- Show symbols in replay
- Show symbols in messages
- Show symbols in audio
  If "Show Symbols" is set to "yes" you can enable or disable symbols for each OSD.

- Colored status symbols in EPG details
  If enabled the symbols for a running event, an event having a timer and so on will
  be drawn colored in the EPG details OSD.

- Show symbols in lists
  This replaces "T", "t", "V"... in the EPG views symbols.

- Show progressbar in lists
  This replaces progressbars shown with pipes (e.g. [||  ]) by a graphical

- Show marker in lists
  If enabled a small circle is drawn in front of the selected item in lists.

- Show status symbols (no/yes/active only)
  Display the status symbols in channel info and recording's progress info.
  "yes" will always show all symbols and "active only" will only show the active
  (= hilighted) ones.

- Show flags
  If enabled graphical flags are drawn for the audio channel languages if the
  requested flag file exists. Else language's abbreviation is drawn.

- Show WSS mode symbols
  Show symbols instead of text for the current WSS mode.
  NOTE: This requires EnigmaNG compiled with SKINENIGMA_USE_PLUGIN_AVARDS = 1
        and a running Avards plugin.

- Show mail icon (never/only if new mail present/always)
  (NOTE: only visible if mailbox plugin support is compiled in and plugin is loaded!)
  Enables mail icon in channel info.

- Show event/recording images
  Enable or disable images in the right top corner in an event's or recording's
  info. The recording's image must be named "Cover-Enigma.xpm" in the recording's
  directory. An event's image must be named "<eventid>.xpm" and must be stored in
  the directory given with the "--epgimages" option.
  If imagemagick support is compiled in you can use different image extensions,
  see below.

- Resize images (pixel algo/ratio algo/zoom image)
  (NOTE: only visible if Imagemagick support is compiled in!)
  The algorithm to use for resizing. Please ask the Imagemagick documentation if
  you want to know how the algorithms work.

- Image width (80 - 360)
  (NOTE: only visible if Imagemagick support is compiled in!)
  The width for event/recording images.

- Image height (80 - 244)
  (NOTE: only visible if Imagemagick support is compiled in!)
  The height for event/recording images.

- Image format (xpm/jpg/png)
  (NOTE: only visible if Imagemagick support is compiled in!)
  The extension to use for event/recording images.

- Show channel logos
  Hide or show channel logos in channel info.

- Identify channel by (name/data)
  Here you can choose if the channel logo should be searched by the channel's
  name (e.g. "YLETV2" -> "YLETV2.xpm") or by the channel's unique id (e.g.
  NOTE: the available logo packs are named by channel name only!

- Channel logo cache size
  The number of logos/symbols to keep in the cache.

* Animated Text

- Enable
  This option enables scrolling of long lines and blinking of some text.

- Scroll OSD title
  Scroll title of OSDs?

- Scroll info area
  Scroll a timer's title in the main menu's info area?

- Scroll active list items
  Scroll long columns of the active line in the menu?

- Scroll other items
  Scroll items in other areas?
  At the moment these areas cover the title and subtitle in the EPGs and
  recordings details and the message in the message OSD.

- Scroll behaviour (to the left/left and right)
  Text can either scroll from the left to right and then start again at the
  left or it can scroll from the left to the right and then back from the
  right to the left (ping pong).

- Scroll delay (ms) (3 - 1000)
  The number of milliseconds to wait before the scrolling text is moved.

- Scroll pause (ms) (500 - 2000)
  The number of milliseconds to wait at the left or right side of the text
  before scrolling again.

- Blink pause (ms) (500 - 2000)
  The number of milliseconds to wait for blinking text.

* Fonts
  If you've set the VDR OSD option "Use small font" to "skin dependent" then
  you can set your preferred fonts for various areas. If you've patched additional
  fonts into VDR you need to set the SKINENIGMA_FONTS define (see above) to see
  them in the list of available fonts.

- OSD title
- Messages
- Date
- Help keys
- Channelinfo: title
- Channelinfo: subtitle
- Channelinfo: language
- List items
- Info area: timers title
- Info area: timers text
- Info area: warning title
- Info area: warning text
- Details: title
- Details: subtitle
- Details: date
- Details: text
- Replay: times
- Fixed Font
  Set the font for the named area.
  You can set the TrueTypeFont to use by pressing the blue key.
  Then you can select one of the TrueTypeFonts known to fontconfig
  and set it's size and width.

* EPGSearch 
  NOTE: only visible if epgsearch support is compiled in

- Number of Reruns (0 - 10)
  The number of reruns to show in an event's info.

- Use Subtitle for reruns (never/if exists/always)
  If set to "never" all events will match that _contain_ the current event's
  title in their title, e.g. if title is "Brisant" it will also find
  "Brisant Classix".
  If set to "if exists" it will use the subtitle to find reruns if the
  current event contains a subtitle. This will also require a full title match,
  e.g. if title is "Brisant" and subtitle is "Boulevard Magazin" it will find
  only events with title and subtitle being exactly "Brisant" and "Boulevard
  Magazin". It won't find events named "Brisant Classix" or "Brisant" without
  If set to "always" it will always use the subtitle even if it's empty. As a
  sideeffect also the event titles must match exactly, e.g. if title is
  "Tagesschau" it will only find events named "Tagesschau" and not "Tagesschau
  vor 30 Jahren".

- Show timer conflicts
  Enable or disable showing the number of timer conflicts in the main menu's
  info area.


- Only XPM format is supported for channel logos: 80x80 pixels and
  13 colors (6 colors on DXR3) or less recommended.

- If you'll add new channels logos on the fly, remember to flush the
  channel logo cache.


- Rolf Ahrenberg for the Soppalusikka skin where I've lent some code.

- Andreas Brugger for the original "Enigma" for Text2Skin and his Text2Skin patches.

- Sascha Volkenandt for Text2Skin where I've lent some code.

- Speedbomb for the hqlogos.

- zulu @vdr-portal.de for some symbols.

- Thomas @vdr-portal.de for some logos.

- FrankJepsen @vdr-portal.de for some logos.

- chrisz @vdr-portal.de for some radio logos and original Enigma themes.
  WomensLike: http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=59651
  WineRed:    http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=59416
  AppleGreen: http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?threadid=59427
  YellowSun:  http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?postid=581117

- skiller2k1 @vdr-portal.de for Comedy Central logo.

- uwe @vdr-portal.de for themes (Blue, Blue2, Blue3 and CoolBlue).

- Morone @vdr-portal.de for MoBuntu theme.

- The translation team:
    English:    Andreas Mair <andreas _@_ vdr-developer.org>
    Deutsch:    Andreas Mair <andreas _@_ vdr-developer.org>
    Italiano:   Diego Pierotto <vdr-italian _@_ tiscali.it>
    Nederlands: Johan Schuring <dorpsgek @vdr-portal.de>
    Français:   Patrice Staudt <pat @vdr-portal.de>
    Finnish:    Rolf Ahrenberg <rofafor @vdr-portal.de>
    Hungarian:  István Füley
    Polski:     ???
    Español:    bittor from open7x0.org <bittor7x0 _at_ gmail.com>
    Svenska:    ???
    Russian:    SergArb @vdr-portal.de / neptunvasja @vdr-portal.de
    Eesti:      ???
    Dansk:      ???
    Czech:      ???
    Türkçe:     n/a

- Udo Richter (udo_richter @gmx.de) for po2i18n.pl (used in EnigmaNG < 0.1.0).

- Christoph Haubrich <christoph.haubrich (AT) web.de> for skinelchi where I've
  lent some code.

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