No database required!
You only need one file to work!
Works on PHP 8 without preinstalled frameworks
Just copy the files to the server (or hosting). No settings needed.
Perfect for a simple home page.
The hamster works very quickly.
The hamster code is simple and clear!
Open source and free!
Easy to adapt templates.
admin panel (login password)
The new script works under PHP 8. the visual editor has been redesigned, now there are 5 additional functions, and 17 fonts are available There is a button to log out of the session. The buttons have become more beautiful and more convenient to use multi-templates and working with templates from the admin panel. You can assign your own template to each page. adapting templates has now become even easier but for convenience, dozens of templates are already available for download
What is all this for?
The script is intended for people who are not knowledgeable in programming and who want to quickly create a home page on the Internet
this script is an example of how websites should be made, as I see it, how it should be. all these thick frameworks, a bunch of additional languages, various hundred-megabyte hipster crafts just to deploy an editable home page? - this is not about this script.
This script is also useful for training, the simple code allows for this. The script is suitable for adherents of old technologies, for ascetic users, downgraders, lovers of retro computers and computer equipment, who want to create a quick, simple, and beautiful home page, or multi-page.
tests showed that the site on this template launched on a 386 computer with 16 MHz and 8 RAM under Windows 95 (it will also launch under 3.11 if Internet Explorer 5 is installed), and specifically on this engine it is easily opened by browsers under DOS, and the content is edited through the admin panel. On the hamster website there are many templates for downloading that will work correctly in the Links browser under DOS
in general, for minimalists this is what you need
Now a little description of this particular template.
as you can see, it is a little similar to the Windows 95 interface, made in HTML4 without frameworks and add-ons that could work with very old browsers from the 90s (will work in IE5 since it has support for UTF8).
For the script to work, you only need free hosting with support for PHP 8.* copy the files as is to the hosting, open, check - it works.
go to the admin panel admin.php, enter your login and password (login password), select open the file at the top, edit, save. Don’t forget to also change your login and password by editing the admin.php file, the name of which can also be changed, this will not affect performance.
The admin panel (login password by default) can be renamed, this does not affect the functionality. an admin panel is not necessarily needed on hosting; you can use any text editor, or if you don’t plan to edit pages anymore, remove this file from the folder.
The templates inside the archive (there are several of them) make it clear how exactly you can layout for HamsterCMS. the simplest example is the Plain template in which we can see two important lines, namely [[NAVIGATION]] which is responsible for the navigation, and [[CONTENTS]] which is responsible for the content of your page. you can also create a footer.txt and write [[footer.txt]] in the template below, which will pull the contents of your footer from your text file, so another block will appear on the site. You can create a great variety of blocks. if you have a two-column template, you can create several submenus with news or widgets. this way you can easily make up any template downloaded from the Internet, or adapt one drawn by hand.
HamsterCMS is not only for old templates, the following examples are proof of this. adapted templates for bootstrap, with which you can deploy a landing page
Quark theme for HamsterCMS adapted for DOS LINKS browser
Walking in my shoes
0832 theme for HamsterCMS adapted for old browsers
*** P.S. ***
I want to express special gratitude to Wolf Vogel who helped with the latest update and introduced a lot of cool things that helped make the functionality more convenient
I invite you to visit the hosting that runs on this CMS
works with both old and new technologies, and backward compatible
Enjoy your use.
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