
Renderring blurred image from UIImage in background with optimizations.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Async Blur

Easiest way to blur images on iOS.

Async blur provides api for blurring images and perform some optimizations inside.


  • use own queue with background priority for render
  • use vImageTentConvolve from AccelerateKit for blur. It's extremely fast!
  • downscale image to size of passed image view or to size of screen before blur
  • check blur operations in queue and delete unnecessary. You can use AsyncBlur for progress blur render.

There are two ways to use it:


Just modify .blurRadius property.

ABImageView *imageView = [[ABImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"example"]];
imageView.blurRadius = 10;


Can be used if you need blurred UIImage.

__weak typeof(self) wSelf = self;
[ABManager renderBlurForImage:image forImageView:self.backgroundImageView radius:blurRadius withCallback:^(UIImage *blurredImage) {
    typeof(self) sSelf = self;
    self.backgroundImageView.image = blurredImage;
    self.otherImageView.image = blurredImage;


Vladislav Dugnist, vdugnist@gmail.com


AsyncBlur is available under the MIT license.