
Java library which enables you to set up a communication with a distant REST API in minutes.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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API PIXIE is a Java library which enables you to set up a communication with a distant REST API in minutes.

Why API Pixie?

If you frequently establish communications between distant APIs and your system, you will have to handle a lot of boilerplate code to create the HTTP requests, manage the status codes and the format of the answer, and finaly map the content to your very own Java objects.

API Pixie enables you to avoid all those problems and concentrate on your code!



Just add the maven dependency to your project:


This dependency is will be available on the Maven Central Repository. In the meantime, you can just add the jar into your classpath (or clone this repo and mvn clean install to have the jar in your .m2).

Annotate your model

Annotate the classes representing the distant API Objects with @APIEntity.

public class Message {
	private Long id;
	private String text;

	// Getters and setters


// Create an APIPixie instance
APIPixie pixie = new APIPixie("http://api.mydistantservice.com");

// Retrieve an APIService for your object
APIService<Message> msgService = pixie.getService(Message.class);

// Start communicating with the distant API
Message msg = msgService.get(42L);

// Now do stuff with the object!
String text = msg.getText();


An example is available in ./examples.

Just run the main method in ./examples/apipixie-basic/src/main/java/com/ligati/apipixie/example/basic/Main.java. A fake distant API server is embedded in the Main class.


Each entity must have an identifier. If your entity has an id property, it will be selected as the default identifier. If you don't have this property or if you want to select a property, just annotate it with @APIId.

public class Message {
    private String myCustomIdentifier;
	private String text;

	// Getters and setters


By default, the following requests will be made on the distant API:

  • get(id): GET <API_URL>/<IDENTIFIER>. Expects a 200 status code.
  • post(entity): POST <API_URL>/ with a JSON body representing the entity. Expects a 201 status code.
  • put(entity): PUT <API_URL>/<IDENTIFIER> with a JSON body representing the entity. Expects a 200 status code.
  • delete(entity) and delete(id): DELETE <API_URL>/<IDENTIFIER>. Expects a 204 status code.


Several exceptions can be thrown when using APIPixie. They all extend java.lang.RuntimeException so that you decide to catch them or let them propagate.

Here are the different types of exceptions and their meaning:

  • APIConfigurationException: this exception is thrown when your configuration is not valid. Have you forgotten to annotate some entities? Did you miss some getters/setters? Read the error message to learn more!
  • APIHTTPException: this error occurs when an unexpected status code is returned by the distant API. You can use the method getStatusCode() to learn more.
  • APIParsingException: this exception can be thrown when APIPixie cannot parse a JSON to your entity and vice-versa.
  • APIUsageException: this error occurs when your usage of APIPixie is invalid (example: call the put method with a null object).
  • APIPixieException: mother of all the APIPixie exceptions, something went terribly wrong!

Advanced configuration

Custom HTTPManager

If you have specific needs on the way to execute the HTTP requests, just implement the APIHttpManager interface and build your APIPixie instance this way:

APIPixie pixie = new APIPixie(myAPIUrl, new MyCustomHttpManager());

The default is DefaultHttpManager. We also provide a BasicAuthHttpManager which enables you to communicate with the API using basic access authentication.

If you write your own APIHttpManager, do not hesitate to check out the APIHttpUtil class.


APIPixie relies on a set of features which define its behavior. Those features are in the class APIPixieFeature and have a default value for the basic usage. You can configure those features this way:

APIPixie pixie = new APIPixie(myAPIUrl);
pixie.configure(APIPixieFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true);

The current features are:

  • FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES: whether or not APIPixie has to raise an exception when it receives an unknown property from the server. (Default: false)


If you want to use inherited fields in your communication with the distant API, just annotate your parent classes with @APISuperClass. Here is a quick example:

public class MyParent {
	private Long id;
	// Getters & Setter

public class MyChild extends MyParent {
	// Code


If one of you attributes is a collection (lists, sets, etc.), you have to annotate it with @APICollection and give in mappedClass the class of the parameter. The parameter can be another APIEntity!

For example:

@APICollection(mappedClass = String.class)
private List<String> strings;

@APICollection(mappedClass = Entity.class)
private List<Entity> entities;


APIPixie depends on some basic libraries. Check out the pom.xml file for the versions.

  • commons-io > commons-io is used to read the web streams and convert them to Strings.
  • org.json > json is used to manipulate all the JSON objects in APIPixie.
  • org.apache.httpcomponents > httpclient is used for all the requests sent to the distant APIs.
  • org.slf4j > slf4j-log4j12 is used to log the actions made by APIPixie.

Some dependencies were added for the tests:

  • junit > junit
  • org.mockito > mockito-core


Version 0.2 (in progress)

  • Support for nested APIEntities
  • Support for basic collections (Strings, Longs, etc.)
  • Support for APIEntities collections
  • Support for APISuperClass (inherited properties)

Version 0.1

  • First release, first implementation
  • Support for APIEntity
  • Support for custom APIId
  • HTTP Basic Auth manager implementation