
Testing framework for Hack.

Primary LanguageHackMIT LicenseMIT


Testing framework for Hack.

Output example

Disclaimer: This is a "quick'n'dirty" project that I created while learning Hack and diving into PHP. There are A LOT of things to do before using it in a real production environment :)

Table of contents

Install & run

You should have hhvm running on your computer.

We will soon publish a beta version on composer. In the meantime, you should clone this repository and create an alias to the hhunit file:

git clone git@github.com:vdurmont/hhunit.git ~/.hhunit
alias hhunit="hhvm ~/.hhunit/hhunit"

Run with:

hhunit [testPath]

testPath is optional. If not provided, the current working directory will be used as a test path.

My first test

Let's say you have a class like this one:

<?hh // strict

class MyCalculator {
  public static function add(int $a, int $b) : int {
    return $a + $b;

Here is a simple test (the class must have the HHUnit attribute):

<?hh // strict

use \HHUnit\Assert\Assert;
use \HHUnit\Core\ClassLoader;

class MyCalculatorTest {
  public static function setUpClass() : void {

  public function add_with_2_positive_integers() : void {
    $result = MyCalculator::add(3, 4);
    Assert::equals(7, $result);

Let's run it:

hhunit /path/to/MyCalculatorTest.hh

More examples

You can find examples in the examples folder.

Testing lifecycle

Here is how HHUnit works:

  • (1) HHUnit will search recursively in the testPath directory for files named HHUnitSetUp.hh. If some are found, they will be executed.
  • (2) For each TestSuite:
    • (2.1) If your TestSuite has a method with a <<SetUpClass>> attribute, it will be executed.
    • (2.2) For each TestCase:
      • (2.2.1) If your TestSuite has a method with a <<SetUp>> attribute, it will be executed.
      • (2.2.2) The TestCase method (with a <<Test>> attribute) will be executed.
      • (2.2.3) If your TestSuite has a method with a <<TearDown>> attribute, it will be executed.
    • (2.3) If your TestSuite has a method with a <<TearDownClass>> attribute, it will be executed.
  • (3) HHUnit will search recursively in the testPath directory for files named HHUnitTearDown.hh. If some are found, they will be executed.

Step 1: HHUnitSetUp

If the file exists, it will be executed before all the tests. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Change the internal configuration of HHUnit (Runners, IFileService...)
  • Start your database server
  • Create a directory to store temporary files
  • Register your spl_autoload
  • // TODO other ideas?

Step 2.1: SetUpClass

If you defined this method, it will be executed before running the TestSuite. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Create a new database
  • Check if the database state is clean
  • Load the classes you need for this TestSuite
  • // TODO other ideas?

Step 2.2.1: SetUp

If you defined this method, it will be executed before running each TestCase. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Check if the database state is clean
  • Instantiate some common objects you use in the tests
  • // TODO other ideas?

Step 2.2.2: Test

Just write your test :)

Step 2.2.3: TearDown

If you defined this method, it will be executed after running each TestCase. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Clean the database
  • Reset some common objects you use in the tests
  • // TODO other ideas?

Step 2.3: TearDownClass

If you defined this method, it will be executed after running the TestSuite. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Delete a database
  • Unload classes
  • // TODO other ideas?

Step 3: HHUnitTearDown

If the file exists, it will be executed after all the tests. Here are a few examples of what you could do there:

  • Stop your database server
  • Clean some temporary directories
  • // TODO other ideas?

A full example

If you have the following hierarchy:

      |- HHUnitSetUp.hh
      |- HHUnitTearDown.hh
      |- MyFirstTest.hh
      |- MySecondTest.hh
      |- folder1
      |    |- HHUnitSetUp.hh
      |    |- HHUnitTearDown.hh
      |    |- MyFirstSubTest.hh
      |    \- MySecondSubTest.hh
      \- folder2
            \- MyThirdSubTest.hh

The execution flow will be:


Extending HHUnit

// TODO write me


// TODO write me


Check out LICENSE.md.