
Test Repo

Primary LanguageShell

OpenShift S2I Builder for Spring Boot

This Source-to-Image Builder let’s you create projects targetting Spring Boot and built with:

  • maven

  • gradle

If a project has a pom.xml and a build.gradle, maven will take precedence

ENV Options

  • BUILDER_ARGS: Allows you to specify options to pass to maven or gradle


If you do not specify any BUILDER_ARGS, by default the s2i image will use the following:

  • Maven

BUILDER_ARGS="package -Popenshift -DskipTests -Dcom.redhat.xpaas.repo.redhatga"
  • Gradle

BUILDER_ARGS="build -x test"

Test in OpenShift

  • First load all the needed resources in a project.

oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jorgemoralespou/osev3-examples/master/spring-boot/springboot-sti/springboot-sti-all.json
  • Once the builder springboot-sti has finished building, you can create an app with:

    • Instant app already provided as template

    • Using the springboot-sti builder image using a regular Git repository


There is a lot of example SpringBoot applications here