A database-agnostic Document-Object Mapper for Python.
$ pip install modular-odm
from modularodm import StoredObject, fields
from modularodm.validators import MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator
class User(StoredObject):
_meta = {"optimistic": True}
_id = fields.StringField(primary=True, index=True)
username = fields.StringField(required=True)
password = fields.StringField(required=True, validate=[MinLengthValidator(8)])
def __repr__(self):
return "<User: {0}>".format(self.username)
class Comment(StoredObject):
_meta = {"optimistic": True}
_id = fields.StringField(primary=True, index=True)
text = fields.StringField(validate=MaxLengthValidator(500))
user = fields.ForeignField("User", backref="comments")
def __repr__(self):
return "<Comment: {0}>".format(self.text)
from pymongo import MongoClient
from modularodm import storage
client = MongoClient()
db = client['testdb']
User.set_storage(storage.MongoStorage(db, collection="user"))
Comment.set_storage(storage.MongoStorage(db, collection="comment"))
>>> from modularodm.query.querydialect import DefaultQueryDialect as Q
>>> u = User(username="unladenswallow", password="h0lygrai1")
>>> u.save()
>>> comment = Comment(text="And now for something completely different.", user=u)
>>> comment2 = Comment(text="It's just a flesh wound.", user=u)
>>> comment.save()
>>> comment2.save()
>>> u = User.find_one(Q("username", "eq", "unladenswallow"))
>>> u.comment__comments
[<Comment: And now for something completely different.>, <Comment: It's just a flesh wound.>]
>>> c = Comment.find(Q("text", "startswith", "And now"))[0]
>>> c.text
'And now for something completely different.'
Full documentation coming soon.
Tests require nose, invoke, and MongoDB.
To get nose, invoke, and other dependencies, run
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
If you are on MacOSX with homebrew, run
$ brew update
$ brew install mongodb
On Debian/Ubuntu, run
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb
Edit /etc/mongodb.conf and change the port setting to 20771, then run
$ sudo service mongodb start
To start mongodb, run
$ invoke mongo
Run all tests with
$ invoke test
Download from http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ and follow the instructions in README.txt.