How to Interact with Vechain without Connex

Connex is the standard interface to connect dApps with VeChain blockchain and users. Aiming to help developers building decentralized applications.

Connex is an excellent tool for interacting with VeChain, but it is limited to certain environments, and sometimes more flexibility is needed.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to interact with Vechain using ethers and the thor-devkit.


For this example, we will set up a NodeJS script that uses an existing contract on the TestNet to call a contract function.


Before we begin, let's take note of the following details:

    "inputs": [],
    "name": "counter",
    "outputs": [
        "internalType": "uint256",
        "name": "",
        "type": "uint256"
    "stateMutability": "view",
    "type": "function"
    "inputs": [],
    "name": "increment",
    "outputs": [],
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "function"

Project Setup / Dependencies

First, let's set up the project and install the necessary dependencies using yarn:

yarn init -y
yarn add ethers thor-devkit bent
  • ethers is used for building the binary instructions for chain communication.
  • thor-devkit is used for Vechain-specific transaction wrapping and signing.
  • bent is used as a simple fetch alternative.

To simplify HTTP interactions, bent is used to provide get and post functions for a Vechain Node and a function to fetch data from the delegation service:

const get = bent('GET', '', 'json')
const post = bent('POST', '', 'json')
const getSponsorship = bent('POST', '', 'json')

Build Transaction Call

Building the contract call in bytecode is provided by ethers and its Interfaces:

const Counter = new ethers.Interface(abi)
const clauses = [{
  to: address,
  value: '0x0',
  data: Counter.encodeFunctionData("increment", [])

Using interfaces, an ABI or function headers (signatures) can be used to generate an easy-to-use interaction interface.

If the function accepts arguments, they can be passed in the array of the encodingFunctionData.

Read more about it in the docs:

The resulting data is stored in a list with clauses, which will be wrapped by a transaction in the next step.

Generate Vechain Transaction

A transaction is required to submit the clauses and call the contracts. A transaction can be built with thor-devkit and requires chain related information:

const { Transaction, secp256k1 } = require('thor-devkit')

const bestBlock = await get('/blocks/best')
const genesisBlock = await get('/blocks/0')

const transaction = new Transaction({
	chainTag: Number.parseInt(, 16),
	blockRef:, 18),
	expiration: 32,
	gas: bestBlock.gasLimit,
	gasPriceCoef: 0,
	dependsOn: null,
	reserved: {
	  features: 1

Building the transaction has dependencies:

  1. chainTag is a reference to the last byte of the genesis block (block #0) to ensure the transaction can not be re-used on different chains.
  2. blockRef points to the point on the chain where the transaction relies on. It must be a valid one and the expiration will be based on that.
  3. gas is in the example set to the maximum allowed in the latest block
  4. nonce needs to be unique in the transaction pool but can otherwise be a tiny number to save gas fees.
  5. reserved activates fee delegation, which can be left out if unwanted

Bonus: Simulate Transaction

The results of the transaction can be simulated by posting the data to a node at /accounts/*.

The gas willing to be paid, optionally the caller that will send the transaction can be provided to get a complete result of what will happen.

A list is returned with the transfers and events that will happen on each clause. In case of an error reverted is returned as true and data can contain the hex-encoded revert-message of the involved contract.

const tests = await post('/accounts/*', {
  clauses: transaction.body.clauses,
  caller: wallet.address,
  gas: transaction.body.gas

for (const test of tests) {
  if (test.reverted) {

    const revertReason = > 10 ? ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().decode(['string'], `0x${}`) : test.vmError
    throw new Error(revertReason)

Get Fee Delegation Signature

With fee delegation the transaction requires a signature from the gas payee.

The transaction can be received from a Fee Delegation Service by sending the transaction origin and the hex encoded transaction. As a result the hex-signature is returned and needs to be converted into a buffer:

const { signature } = await getSponsorship('/by/90', { origin: wallet.address, raw: `0x${transaction.encode().toString('hex')}` })
const sponsorSignature = Buffer.from(signature.substr(2), 'hex')

Details about the inner workings of the service is described in VIP-201:

Sign Transaction

secp256k1 is used to create a signature for a hash of the transaction.

Without Fee Delegation it is a two liner:

const signingHash = transaction.signingHash()
transaction.signature = secp256k1.sign(signingHash, Buffer.from(wallet.privateKey.slice(2), 'hex'))

With Fee Delegation, the signature of the gas payee is appended to the transaction signature:

const signingHash = transaction.signingHash()
const originSignature = secp256k1.sign(signingHash, Buffer.from(wallet.privateKey.slice(2), 'hex'))
transaction.signature = Buffer.concat([originSignature, sponsorSignature])

Submit Transaction

The built and signed transaction is submitted to the network with a POST to /transactions. This completes the transaction building:

const rawTransaction = `0x${transaction.encode().toString('hex')}`
const { id } = await post('/transactions', { raw: rawTransaction })

Returned is a JSON with the transaction id for further tracking.

The id can be used to get details about the transaction status and its results.
