Greetings readers, this is Elettra first release.
Elettra is a software providing plausible deniablale cryptography. support a dynamic number of files and require a password for each file.
when you need to decrypt a file, the password is able to found in the encrypted archive the file related to it.
the security measure is in the protection of the number of files encrypted in the archive, because the algorith is think to give a plausible ammission that the data unencrypted is simple random data, and only one file is encrypted in it.
for more information about elettra and julia, the issue #65 had an our article about elettra.
aptitude install cmake libmhash-dev libmcrypt-dev zlib1g-dev
or, get the libraries at:
user@linz:~/elettra/src$ mkdir build
user@linz:~/elettra/src$ cd build/
user@linz:~/elettra/src/build$ cmake ..
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/user/elettra/src/build
user@linz:~/elettra/src/build$ make
Scanning dependencies of target elettra
[ 16%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra.o
[ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra_hidden.o
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra_seek.o
[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra_utils.o
[ 83%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra_zlib.o
[100%] Building C object CMakeFiles/elettra.dir/elettra_check.o
Linking C executable elettra
[100%] Built target elettra
Elettra has five command: encrypt, decrypt, checkpass, help and example.
is executed with: elettra command [args]
we want to encrypt file /tmp/ls-manpage and /tmp/ps-manpage. two file = two password we use "weirdness" and "foxnewsshower", the order link: ls-manpage (weirdness) ps-manpage (foxnewsshower)
$ ./elettra encrypt /dev/shm/out 15% /tmp/ls-manpage::weirdness /tmp/ps-manpage::foxnewsshower
the size of our source file are:
$ ls -l /tmp/ls-manpage /tmp/ps-manpage
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7132 Jan 8 05:57 /tmp/ls-manpage
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 36287 Jan 8 05:57 /tmp/ps-manpage
the command line specifies 15% of random paddinig. Required args for the "encrypt" command, are the output file, the source files and the passwords If passwords are not inserted via command line, they are prompted interactively.
before the encryption gzip compression is used, the output file is:
$ ls -l /dev/shm/out
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 42615 Jan 8 06:13 /dev/shm/out
now we have an encrypted archive. the elettra decryption routine takes a password and, optionally, a destination directory:
$ ./elettra decrypt /dev/shm/out weirdness /dev/shm/
$ ls -l /dev/shm/
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7132 Jan 8 06:32 ls-manpage
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 42615 Jan 8 06:13 out
if you want to check your passwords, use the command "checkpass":
./elettra checkpass actresss weirdness shoeless
password(s) combinations work ok, with password block of 2304 bytes, use it.
if checkpass or encrypt command receive a bad password sequence, notice to the users.
Elettra actually randomize the creation time (ctime) of generated file. If you want remove this feature, you need to recompile elettra removing the #define at line 240 in elettra.c
MD5 (src/CMakeLists.txt) = d4272bbb174daa229b13330efa5d1928
MD5 (src/elettra.c) = 6ac6b4303e67f7a275ad83caa539f0f3
MD5 (src/elettra.h) = 96d0fc271b8ec8e480f507b8e9de72aa
MD5 (src/elettra_check.c) = dd90b9e2e5f47363da1d72863b365de8
MD5 (src/elettra_encrypt.c) = e4387e58aebea9c0ea63715c6403a71e
MD5 (src/elettra_seek.c) = 955756518f04f0c01fa2cc0ecedc8b50
MD5 (src/elettra_utils.c) = 0feea9500d9e9f8d9ac833e01b7c3668
MD5 (src/elettra_zlib.c) = ef5e6c1d98e1031c2d94fbf591e1d104
and this README is signed with our public key, in order to certify those hashes.
we focus our work showing the lack of technical bases on law used for regulare Internet. In our view, the pratical demonstration that the real-security, for information and for the people, could not be achieved violating the privacy, could improve real-security in a way where human rights are protected and not sacrificed.