
a better default template for html-webpack-plugin

Primary LanguageHTML

HTML Webpack Template

This is a template for the webpack plugin html-webpack-plugin. It has a few extra features than the default template which will hopefully make it less likely that you'll have to create your own index.html file in your webpack project.

Templates for the html-webpack-plugin are implemented using blueimp templates. You can write your own as well.


Install the template in your project with npm:

$ npm install html-webpack-template --save-dev

Basic Usage

Once installed, you can reference the template in your webpack.config.js using the template option, passing the path to this module's index.html file.

Additional configuration options are as follows:

  • filename: The file to write the HTML to. Defaults to index.html. You can specify a subdirectory here too (eg: assets/admin.html).
  • mobile: Sets appropriate meta tags for page scaling.
  • googleAnalytics.trackingId: Track usage of your site via Google Analytics.
  • googleAnalytics.pageViewOnLoad: Log a pageview event after the analytics code loads.
  • title: The title to use for the generated HTML document.
  • devServer: insert the webpack-dev-server hot reload script at this host:port/path (eg, http://localhost:3000)
  • appMountId: div element id on which you plan to mount a javascript app
  • window: object that defines data you need to bootstrap a javascript app

Here's an example webpack config illustrating how to use these options in your webpack.config.js:

  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      template: 'node_modules/html-webpack-template/index.html',
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'assets/admin.html',
      mobile: true,
      googleAnalytics: {
        trackingId: 'UA-XXXX-XX',
        pageViewOnLoad: true
      devServer: 3000,
      appMountId: 'app',
      window: {
        env: {
          apiHost: 'http://myapi.com/api/v1'