

  • You need an API key. You can request an API key here.
  • From iOS 10, set "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription" and "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" in the Info.plist file.
  • From iOS 11, set "NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" and "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" in the Info.plist file.


Using CocoaPods (Recommended)

  • Add Vectaury dependance to Podfile
  • pod "Vectaury"
  • In your shell, run
  • pod install
  • Download the Setting.bundle file : Setting.bundle
  • Add the Settings.bundle file to your project and target the application (if you already have a Settings.bundle file, skip this step and follow this instruction )

Linking the framework directly

  • Download the framework
  • Version 1.5
  • Extract the zip and link the binary with the library.


* Add the path of the framework in your target's build settings "framework search path" * Add the Vectaury.framework/Settings.bundle file to your project and target the application (if you already have a Settings.bundle file, skip this step and follow [this instruction](#note) ) > Before submitting your app to AppStore, you must exclude the iOS simulator build from the framework

Note :

if you already have a Settings.bundle in your project, you just need to copy language folder and add in your root.plist file :



1 - Init Vectaury SDK from the AppDelegate.m file

  • Import Vectaury
  • Init SDK with initWithApiKey:withLaunchOptions:withPush: function on :
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {}

2 - Ask for Authorization

Ask the user to share their location data (popup) with the +requestAuthorization: function.

Put this line where it makes the most sense for your app user experience. This will trigger a permission request popup. If you already asked thoses permissions elsewhere in your app, you don't need to call it (if you do, it will have no impact).

Enable Background Mode You need to tick the box "Location updates" in the "Capabilities" of your target. background-ios

3 - Start Location tracking position

  • Start to collect location data with +startLocation function

Exemple (Swift 4) :

import Vectaury
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:     [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        Vectaury.initWithApiKey("key", withLaunchOptions: launchOptions, withPush: false)
        //Optional : request authorization using vectaury SDK
        return true

Change Logs

SDK 1.5.1 - 12 february 2018

  • Fix wording on opt-in pop-up

SDK 1.5 - 02 february 2018

  • New system of location data collecting
  • Optimization of batterie use

SDK 1.4 - 13 november 2017

  • Setting.bundle : The user can opt-out Vectaury data sharing from the app settings
  • New algorithm of location data collecting
  • Opt-in banner display option
  • Educational popup display option
  • Link to settings banner display option

SDK 1.3.3 - 23 October 2017

  • Fix Bug on Blue Bar

SDK 1.3.2 - 20 October 2017

  • New algorithm of location data collecting