
A collection of C++ code from my Coding 1 class in the spring of 2023

Primary LanguageC++


A collection of C++ code from my Coding 1 class in the spring of 2023. Files also exist at https://replit.com/@vectorsoldier

Adventure Game Class Solution (W4 Adventure Game) is a project that practiced do-while loops conducting attack vs block calculations and listing your HP until you die. Run it on Replit.

2-20 Bulk Add Teacher Solution HW (W6 Loops and Lists) is a project that tested loops, lists that the player can build an index for, and a bulk add function to add multiple games into the array. Run it on Replit.

3-27 and 3-29 (W11 More C++) is a project that assigns a Class of robots with data members, member functions, constructors to have randomly named robots use battery to move within a coordinate plane. Run it on Replit.

4-3 Class HW review in class (W12 Classes) is a project that practices UML comprehension, with classes, data members, member functions, constructors, and involves different named spaceships using fuel to travel until the loop causes the spaceships to run out of fuel. Run it on Replit.

4-12 header and source file and main (W13 Headers) is a project that practiced writing header files. Run it on Replit.

4-19 read and write to text files (W14 C++ Files) is a project that practiced reading from and writing to text files. Run it on Replit.

4-24 Bulk add teacher solution (W15 Recap) is a project that involved the player writing their favorite games into a text file that holds the data. Run it on Replit.