Simple NodeJS CLI to render local PlantUML files to images using the online PlantUML service.
This project provides a simple NodeJS CLI which will look for local PlantUML source files and for each one:
- encode the file contents
- perform an HTTPS request to the PlantUML service to render the image
- save the rendered image
This mechanism:
- avoids the need to have the required software for PlantUML rendering (Java etc.) installed.
- can easily be used in Git pre-commit hook to ensure rendered images are always up to date.
The key driver for this was to ensure I could include rendered UML diagrams could be included in Markdown files stored in GitHub. A documented mechanism to achieve this does exist:
However, as noted in this excellent post, "the downside of this approach is that it will always render the latest commit in your repository even if you browse old versions."
npm install plantuml-proxy-cli
Render local PlantUML files to images using the online PlantUML service.
version 1.0.5
plantrender --sourceFolder <value> --destFolder <value> [--sourceExt <value>] [--destFormat <value>] [--url <value>]
Command Arguments
--sourceFolder Folder path which contains PlantUML files.
--destFolder Folder path for output of rendered images.
--sourceExt Source PlantUML file extension.
(default: iuml)
--destFormat Output rendered image format.
(valid values: png,txt,svg)
(default: png)
--url URL of the PlantUML render service.
Other Arguments
--help Display application help
--version Show version information
-h Display application help
-v Show version information
help Display application help
An example Git hook defined in a Husky config file using command argument defaults would be:
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npx plantrender --sourceFolder=uml/source --destFolder=docs/images && git add docs/images/*.png"
Otherwise, get funky with the other options:
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npx plantrender --sourceFolder=uml/source --destFolder=docs/images --sourceExt=uml --destFormat=txt && git add docs/images/*.png"
npm install
npm run build
After building, the CLI can be run with:
If you get stuck trying running with debug logging:
DEBUG='*' bin/plantrender
If you have a query or problem, raise an issue in GitHub, or better yet submit a PR!
MIT © Vectronic