
Vectronic website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Vectronic website

Netlify Status

Environment Setup

Clone the repository locally.

Working from the root of the project, install required software (assuming MacOS):

brew install hugo
npm install
npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify link


Define the following environment variables (these are described further below):

export NETLIFY_API_AUTH=<value>
export SENDINBLUE_API_AUTH=<value>
export SENDINBLUE_LIST_ID=<value>


npm run build


npm run watch

Slack Configuration


Configure four channels:

  • #vectronic-comment - Used to view comments submitted to posts on the website and either accept or reject them.
  • #vectronic-contact - Used to view messages submitted via the website contact form.
  • #vectronic-subscribe - Used to simply monitor subscriptions via the website. (a Netlify Function is used to automatically add subscription to a SendInBlue contact list).
  • #vectronic-deployment - Used to view success or failure of Netlify deployments.

Contact App

Configure a new vectronic-contact app which has a Webhook posting to the #vectronic-contact channel.

This will be used by a Slack Integration form notification configured in Netlify.

Subscribe App

Configure a new vectronic-subscribe app which has a Webhook posting to the #vectronic-subscribe channel.

This will be used by a Slack Integration form notification configured in Netlify.

Comment App

Configure a new vectronic-comment app which has a Webhook posting to the #vectronic-comment channel.

This will be used by the comment-submitted Netlify Function triggered when a new comment is stored in the pending-comments form.

As outlined further below, this webhook URL is exposed to the Netlify Function by configuring the Netlify environment variable SLACK_COMMENT_WEBHOOK_URL.

The Command App also needs to have Interactivity configured so that a user can approve or delete the comment from Slack. The Request URL needs to be configured to submit the user action to the Netlify Function handling this e.g.:

https://vectronic.netlify.com/.netlify/functions/comment-action?VECTRONIC_FUNCTION_AUTH=<shared key>

Where the shared key is defined further below.

Deployment App

Configure a new vectronic-deployment app which has a Webhook posting to the #vectronic-deployment channel.

This will be used by Slack Integration deploy notifications in Netlify.

SendInBlue Configuration

Contact Fields

Ensure contacts are configured to have the following fields:


Contact List

Create a list of contacts which will be added to each time someone subscribes. This will be used when configuring the Netlify SENDINBLUE_LIST_ID environment variable further below.


Create an API Key which will be used to manage the list of contacts when a subscription is processed via a Netlify Function. This will be used when configuring the Netlify SENDINBLUE_API_AUTH environment variable further below.

Netlify Configuration

The configuration uses Netlify Forms and Functions Add-ons. These are both free for low volume usage.

One Time Only Table Creation

The form tables in Netlify are only added when initially submitting a form. The pending-comments and approved-comments tables need to exist before they can be further referenced in configuration, so there is a need to do one off configuration for these.

Pending Comments

A test post needs to be created and a comment submitted on the post. This will result in the pending-comments form table appearing in the Netlify admin UI.

Approved Comments

Entries in the approved-comments form table are only added via Slack webhook calls to the Netlify API. But this table needs to be created in Netlify first.

The easiest way to do this is uncomment the approved-comments form in comments.html. After submitting to this form once, the approved-comments form table will appear in the Netlify admin UI. The form element in the HTML can then be commented out again.

User Account Level OAuth Token

At the user account level in Netlify, create a new OAuth application personal access token called vectronic-comments-management.

This will be used when making Netlify API calls from Slack and Netlify Functions.

Build Environment Variables

The following need to be defined:

  • NETLIFY_API_AUTH - The vectronic-comments-management personal access token configured in Netlify OAuth applications section.
  • NETLIFY_APPROVED_COMMENTS_FORM_ID - ID of the approved-comments form created in Netlify. The value for this can be ascertained from the Netlify URL when navigating to Account -> Site -> Forms -> approved-comments.
  • SLACK_COMMENT_WEBHOOK_URL - Incoming webhook URL for the comment app configured in Slack.
  • SENDINBLUE_API_AUTH - API key configured in SendInBlue.
  • SENDINBLUE_LIST_ID - ID of a contact list configured in SendInBlue.
  • VECTRONIC_FUNCTION_AUTH - This can be any shared secret key. It is used to prevent public access to the Netlify Functions.
  • GIT_LFS_ENABLED - set to true

Build Hooks

Define a build hook which will be used to automatically rebuild the site when a new comment is approved.

Asset Optimization

Configure the following optimizations:

  • URLs: Pretty URLs
  • CSS: Bundle & Minify
  • JS: Bundle & Minify
  • Images: Lossless compression

Deploy Notifications

Configure the following Slack Integrations:

  • On deployment failure post to the vectronic-deployment app webhook configured in Slack.
  • On deployment success post to the vectronic-deployment app webhook configured in Slack.

Domain Management

Configuration for Domains and HTTPS is based on standard Netlify instructions.

Form Notifications

Configure the following Slack Integrations:

  • On New form submission to the contact form, post to the vectronic-contact app webhook configured in Slack.
  • On New form submission to the subscribe form, post to the vectronic-subscribe app webhook configured in Slack. This integration is just to be able to view subscription activity.

Configure the following Outgoing Webhooks:

  • On New form submission to the subscribe form, post to the subscription function passing the shared secret configured in Netlify e.g.

  • On New form submission to the pending-comments form, post to the comment-submitted function passing the shared secret configured in Netlify e.g.

  • On New form submission to the approved-comments form, post to the build hook configured in Netlify.