Pinned issues
- 2
Is vecstack still alive?
#51 opened by zachmayer - 2
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Catboost classifier stacking
#47 opened by somyamohanty - 8
- 1
Stack already fitted models?
#44 opened by jmrichardson - 2
How to use SHAP with a vecstack model
#45 opened by Maryom - 1
- 7
Question about usage...
#41 opened by webzest - 1
Metric parameter failing for f1_score metric for multi class classification
#40 opened by insomniac-klutz - 1
Multiclass Error (string labels)
#38 opened by MLombriz - 4
How does `vecstack.StackingTransformer` differ from `sklearn.ensemble.StackingClassifier`?
#37 opened by zachmayer - 1
Can we use this library also for multi label classification (such as scikit-multilearn)?
#36 opened by redcican - 3
Using the functional API for training only
#34 opened by epetrovski - 2
Python 2.7 DeprecationWarning
#31 opened by Ic3fr0g - 3
Memory error in footprint for sparce matrix
#29 opened by dremovd - 5
Allow user to pass custom folds (GroupKFold)
#27 opened by MarcoGorelli - 5
ImportError: cannot import name 'stacking', same issue with StackingTransformer
#26 opened by uttamdhakal - 1
Pipeline model is too large
#25 opened by zhaobin19941008 - 2
There is some question about transfrom
#24 opened by zhaobin19941008 - 14
How to save model
#22 opened by zhaobin19941008 - 2
- 5
pipeline refit/partial_fit
#17 opened by ryan102590 - 2
- 0
issue with Keras custom layer
#19 opened by caprone - 2
Vecstack and RMSE
#16 opened by rohan-dot - 5
- 1
Missing values
#14 opened by onacrame - 3
How to combine early stopping?
#13 opened by ZeroAlcoholic - 1
Keras as a L1 model?
#12 opened by mysteriousHerb - 1
Nested cross val for Hyperparameter tuning
#11 opened by mysteriousHerb - 8
How to predict
#4 opened by kanekcwu - 1
#9 opened by qiaohaoforever - 4
- 2
IndexError: tuple index out of range
#5 opened by jrzaurin - 1
why 'acc' is getting worse after stacking?
#3 opened by zhaokunyao - 2
sklearn.cross_validation is deprecated
#1 opened by tinhb92